Birth Of The Undead Army (6)

The atmosphere was dark and gloomy. Inside the clan leader's meeting hall, he conversed with his advisors and the elders of his clan. Each of them had a humanoid appearance with burly bodies that radiated with immense strength.

Even though around them were confident auras, their faces showed anything but confidence as each felt like a pair of eyes were staring into their souls.

Yet, there wasn't anything or anyone besides them inside the room. "When are you going to find the perpetrator!" The clan leader's voice resounded loudly throughout the room.

His expression was dark as his dark skin released waves of overbearing force that crashed down on the kneeling figure.

Their clan wasn't a massive clan that was located in a city that spanned hundreds of thousands or millions of kilometers...

No, they were merely a small clan in a city that wasn't bigger than a few tens of thousands of kilometers.

Since a few days ago, the city would undergo massive destruction every time the night skies appeared. When it first happened, one could only imagine the shock it caused.

It started in the outer city close to the city walls before, but the destruction slowly made its way to the core, and by the seventh day, even the clan leader's family wasn't spared.

It was the first time he experienced this. He simply wanted to face the cause and obliterate it but, he didn't even have a sliver of an idea of what the cause was or who caused it.

"Please, Clan Leader, give us some time. The one responsible attacks at random places every night and he uses a mysterious technique that allows him to hide his presence."

"It's impossible to find him instantly...!" The kneeling figure's shaky voice resounded throughout.

He was an innocent shadow of the Clan Leader, not even meant to do investigations. But, who would expect someone or thing to suddenly appear in their home and do this...

It was something that they had never expected so they didn't have even one countermeasure.

The worst thing was, the person or thing responsible had mysterious abilities making him invincible under the night skies.


In anger, the clan leader's palm instantly pulverized his chair arm to dust. Waving his hand, he gestured for the multiple elders and advisors to leave.

Seeing their disappearing figures, the clan leader heaved a sigh. Though he was angered, his wife and child had also been kidnapped, after all, he needed to retain some calm.

He was a clan leader, after all, in hell, if he didn't rule his clan with a clear head, they would be destroyed very soon.


Suddenly, inside the hall, the doors and medieval windows wildly shot open by a gush of powerful wind as right after, a horrid premonition clawed at the clan leader's heart.

His black hair stood on end as his eyes glowed and his aura flared. In front of him was a young man with long dark purple hair and two bangs, one white and one black.

But, what took the clan leader's attention wasn't the sudden appearance of the young man but, what was in the young man's grip. In this young man's hands were the heads of a woman and a toddler.

The woman's eyes were still open and contained fear even in death while the child's eyes were closed, his expression still stuck in the playful laughter he adorned before his death!


The clan leader's voice seemed to crack. His wife and child who had gone missing the night before suddenly appeared in front of him. One should be happy but, they were missing their bodies...!

"Oh, do you know them?" The young man asked with a nod as he slowly tightened his grip.


Blood gushed out and brain matter splattered on the obsidian tiles below as his fingers penetrated through the two skulls.


A groan. An animalistic groan escaped the clan leader's lips as his teary eyes turned bloodshot and the aura surrounding him shot through the roof..!


Saliva escaped his mouth as he yelled at the top of his lungs. In that instant, his body seemed to grow, first starting at 6 feet.

7 feet...

10 feet...

100 feet...

1,000 feet...

By the time he had stopped growing, his body had long destroyed the manor in which he resided as the young man gazed at this scene with a calm and confident smirk, unfazed by the transformation.

In their surroundings, one would be shocked when seeing the absolute ruin that spanned tens of thousands of kilometers. Yes, the whole city was uprooted as destruction and death were omnipresent.

Somewhere in the city, watching the scene with the young man and the clan leader, the previous shadow of the clan leader, the hooded figure who was berated for his slow work...

"Such a wicked fellow. Killing his clansmen and then acting as if he's searching for the perpetrator!" The hooded figure mumbled.

This figure stood in front of all the elders as his previously brown pupils morphed. His right pupil was black, and his left was white as his sclera turned purple.

Taking off the mask and pulling down the hood, his face was revealed to be the exact image of the young man currently squaring off against the city leader.

The surrounding elders didn't seem to be surprised, in fact, their appearances also changed as they too took on the form of the young man.

The young man clad in black waved his hand, and right after, the multiple young men who once had the appearance of elders turned into a dark mist that seeped into the pores of the black-clothed young man.

Surrounding the young man was a black-and-white aura. But, at the core, it was a spiraling dark purple that seemed to devour everything in its path. Raising his head, he stared at the young man thousands of meters away.

"Alright, I wonder how my clone with 20% of my energy would fare against that clan leader at the 7th Level Profound Immortal..."



The young man with blood-drenched hands stared emotionlessly at the massive fist approaching his location. It was soo unnaturally huge that it seemed to be a small mountain instead of a fist.

"Oh! You seem pissed... Did I do something to annoy you?" The young man uttered. Hearing this, the owner of the incoming fist, the clan leader, couldn't help but grit his teeth in pure wrath.


The mountain-sized fist enveloped the young man's figure, crashing into the surface below, creating deep crater tens of meters below the earth's surface.


"Don't you have any patience?" The young man's voice once more entered the clan leader's ears. This time though, the voice originated from behind as the young man faced the unprotected back of the clan leader, stretching his palm out as energy churned.


Ripples in space appeared as it was torn apart by a spinning vortex of mysterious purple energy which went on to form a massive palm that swiftly approached the clan leader's massive back.

Fwoosh! Puchi!

Before he even had time to react, the clan leader's back had already received the attack, causing a massive hole to form and giving one the ability to see through one side of his chest to the other side of his back.

"H-How?!" The clan leader mumbled in shock. His brows raised and his pupils dilated as his knees weakened, falling to the ground...

"Weak! You're weak, that's why! But, need not worry as I the magnanimous will give you rebirth. You'll be the first General of my Undead Army which will sweep across existence..!"