Birth Of The Undead Army (9)

Sword God, I shattered his mind, extinguished his soul, and annihilated his body!...

The words resounded in the surroundings, bringing an uncomfortable silence as the Spear God's face contorted into a variety of dark expressions.


The surrounding void trembled as his voice landed. As the Spear God's aura shot through the roof, cracks appeared in the sky. His spear glowed with a rainbow of colors.

"My my, despite your frightening appearance, I advise you to enter your strongest state." Saber issued a warning with a calm smirk on his face.

As the most powerful being on this floor, the Spear God remained on the top of the food chain, never truly challenged.

Just like when he confronted Saber before, even in this angered state, the Spear God didn't even entertain the idea of transforming into his elemental form.

Perhaps he intended to make Saber despair, knowing that he couldn't even defeat someone who didn't have to transform into their elemental form...

Or perhaps the thought was something that had never occurred to him in such a long time that he had forgotten the basics, such as never underestimating one's opponent.

Saber's word fell on the deaf ears of the one who carried the title of Spear God.

The middle-aged man that previously had a straightforward and playful aura surrounding him now carried boundless killing intent.

"Die... You'll die a horrible death!" The Spear God reeled back his spear, before thrusting with great force toward Saber's chest. The power it contained was unimaginable.

Surrounding the tip of the spear, countless glittering lights followed closely, each in the shape of spears and radiating with an aura equal to the Spear God's attack.

The presence was overbearing, to say the least. Thousands of kilometers away from the duo, the wild and unruly aura caused shockwaves to appear.


Metal clashed against metal as Saber's sword intercepted the incoming spear. The unrestrained power contained in the spear didn't seem to faze Saber's blade.


Countless explosions took place right after. The countless shimmering spear-shaped lights were also intercepted by Saber's blade. His hand moved at a speed that was imperceptible to the naked eye.

If one was present, one would be unable to even perceive a blurred appearance of Saber's hand as it would seem that Saber didn't have a right arm whatsoever. It was just how quickly he swiped his sword and intercepted the incoming spear attacks.

At that moment, the expression of the Spear God changed. Even if he was beaming with wrath, he was an experienced fighter and understood that, from Saber's expression, it seemed that he didn't even put any effort into the previous encounter.


Upon this realization, the Spear God's blood turned cold. His figure blurred as he appeared thousands of meters away, already in a fighting stance but, this time he carried about a much more serious expression with his spear gripped facing Saber's figure.

Just as he was about to prepare another move, he raised a brow in surprise. Saber's figure thousands of meters away seemed to be frozen... No!

"Oh, do you think you're that quick?" Saber's voice suddenly appeared from behind. The Spear God's skin paled in that instance as Saber's voice sent shivers down his spine. He wasn't even able to perceive the speed at which Saber had moved to appear behind him.

This... It was too much.


A powerful force then crashed into his body. It was as if tens of millions of mountains had crashed down onto him, sending him spiraling down the skies and on an inevitable path to crashing with the earth below!


Another explosion rang, and the earth below trembled. Nearby mountain ranges were destroyed by the powerful waves of raw power and by the mere presence of these two beings.

Saber's outstretched leg retracted as the smirk on his face never left. His eyes still contained the countless glittering lights. He seemed like a supreme existence.

Surrounding him was a majestic aura that reached the clouds. He seemed to be the center of the world, even if the universe died, he will remain. Impervious to all worldly things, watching them as if they were ants... This was the type of presence he currently had..!


Coughing up a mouthful of blood, the Spear God slowly crawled his way out of the giant pit that was created from his descent to the ground. His anger once more rose.

For him, someone who had ruled this floor for many millennia, to suddenly be this overpowered and humiliated, the Spear God's hatred toward Saber had reached an all-time high.

"After I'm done with you..." Through gritted teeth, the Spear God grumbled, "I'll fucking chomp down on you, eating you raw!" By now, his eyes were bloodshot, the veins exploding from his mere rage.

Instantly, his aura exploded outward once more. This time though, in the beam of aura that shot to the skies, countless dazzling lights appeared. Nearby, the golden spear shook before turning into a blur and appearing in the Spear God's hand.

The earth trembled violently under his feet due to the overbearing pressure he radiated. His current form carried an aura of mysticalness as his eyes turned black, in it was countless stars!

"So what! Even if you transform, in front of me, you can barely be considered an ant." Saber's voice reached the Spear God's ears. His eyes widened in shock as he realized that he was once more fooled by Saber's form.

The one he was staring at with intense hatred had already begun to break apart into tiny particles as the voice resounded in his nearby surroundings, originating from behind his body.


'Not again!'

The Spear God coldly snorted. The last time he was caught surprised by Saber's trickery, this was why he had been left defenseless in front of Saber's sneak attack. But, this time, even though he was still left slightly surprise, he was now in his elemental form, he was able to react much faster.


But, even though his speed and reaction had undergone dramatic increases, he was still unable to react in time as Saber's leg once more sent a powerful attack that sent him flying across space. The power in Saber's kick sent him flying tens of thousands of meters away in a single strike.

Seeing his figure becoming smaller and smaller as he was sent flying thousands of meters away, Saber suddenly squinted his eyes.

'Hmm, this doesn't make sense. I know I'm rather strong for a Profound Immortal but, isn't he at the very peak of the Profound Immortal realm...'

'No, from his aura, he's a Pseudo Golden Immortal, and one at the cusp of breaking through. The strength he's displaying and his aura, it doesn't match up at all?'

Reaching this point, Saber's expression froze. The clouds seemed to have been dispersed as an incredibly hot aura rushed toward the earth. Looking up...


The red sun that spewed flames was quickly approaching the earth. Not just that but, the closer it reached, the more it shrank.

Even though Saber couldn't know for sure, he realized that the heat radiating from the red sun would increase as it shrank...!

"What is it now?" Saber stated dryly. When it finally reached the surface, it was tens of thousands of meters away from Saber.

Saber needed to repel the heat with his energy even from such a distance due to how incredibly hot it was, as right after, a powerful voice resounded throughout the entire Fourth Floor of Hell's Tower!



"What a brat! Your death date has arrived...!"