Earth Immortal Freak (2)

'It seems that her origin isn't simple. "From what I understand"... A human from the Cosmos wouldn't place their words like this...?' Oblivion pondered on this for a while.

Though it seemed unimportant at first, the ramifications of this statement could lead to the eventual origin of the Heavenly Mystic Domain.

At first, it wouldn't seem important to learn about this mysterious realm and its origin but, if Oblivion could, he might be able to bend the rules a little. Especially the rules about the time limit.

One of the main things he lacked was time. Even if he didn't spend much effort into this, it was important to keep in mind that at this moment, Saber was currently gaining immense strength with his broken ability to devour.

Inside Hell's tower, time was something that moved much faster than the outside world.

The universe had many places that quickened the time, making one day one month, or a year but, the Heavenly Mystic Domain, Oblivion was already inside it. He couldn't let this chance slip.

Even if it meant staying in this place for a considerable amount of time, and being left inside while his first empire inside Milky Way Galaxy, is destroyed by the demons, he couldn't let this chance pass by without gaining the strength to contend with Saber when he reappeared.

'I don't necessarily need to be as strong as Saber. Though he has the broken ability called Devour, and he can devour the elements of others, making him someone who could probably manipulate thousands of elements...'

If others heard his thoughts, they'll shudder with fear thinking about a lifeform that could manipulate thousands of elements but, 'With my ability, such a cheat is canceled out..!'

'Once my strength and his aren't that far apart, I should be able to cancel out his element. Every one of the elements he controls... But, he can also evolve during battle, this would be troublesome no matter what.'


'Whatever, the most important thing right now should be to strengthen my overall power and enter the Profound Immortal realm as soon as possible.' Thinking this, Oblivion nodded his head. At the same time, Cecelia suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling radiating from Oblivion's gaze.

'What is this..?' Cecelia couldn't place her fingers on it but it did indeed feel slightly off... 'It feels like he's seemingly caught sight of a secret that he wants to pry open...?!' She thought.

'Maybe I'm wrong.' Shaking her head, she rid her mind of the useless thoughts and then let out a mysterious smile.

"Oh! A group of Profound Immortals has already entered the location where I found you... It seems the people you're looking for have come looking for you..!" As she said this with a calm and knowing smirk on her face, Oblivion's eyes widened slightly, showcasing visible shock.

"You can sense them..?"

Cecelia's grin widened, "Of course, Inside this region, nothing can escape my eyes. You'll understand better when you also become a Golden Immortal... well, if you can."

Though he knew she was merely teasing him, he replied slightly defensively, "You need not worry. Becoming a Golden Immortal, for me, is only a matter of whether there are enough resources." Oblivion said this with confidence radiating from his words.

He was going to try to peer into the secrets of her origin but, seeing as his 'resources' had already arrived, who was he to keep these precious things waiting?

'I'll deal with this after dealing with this matter.'



"This is quite the mess...!"

A figure clad in silvery armor led a group of Profound Immortals. Their surroundings had seemingly experienced hell on earth. Even though a week had already passed and most of the battle scars had already healed, there was still a massive pit in the middle of nowhere.

"Leader, Mr. Xavier's last energy signature vanished somewhere in the depths of this crater."

What seemed to be the armored figure's subordinate suddenly pointed toward the deepest parts of the pit. Appearing on the edge, many of the Profound Immortals in this group felt their heart tighten as they pondered on the level of power needed to cause such a massive crater.

Compared to the outsider world, the natural laws inside the Heavenly Mystic Domain were much more robust. Even if one were able to destroy a world, solar system, or even a star field back in the universe...

In the Heavenly Mystic Domain Inner Sector, a Profound Immortal could never hope to deal this much damage to nature. Seeing this show of utter destruction ability, many gulped and felt cold sweat drip down their backs.

"You!" The armored figure suddenly shouted. From his voice, it was easy to perceive that he was annoyed. His face was also ugly as he watched into the eyes of the one who previously pointed out where Xavier's energy signature disappeared.

"Do you think that I was unable to sense this...?!" Gazing at the young man who had previously said this, the armored man seemed offended. His voice carried a hint of mockery when asking this.

Wasn't this Profound Immortal brat looking down on him?!

He was a Pseudo Golden Immortal, so of course, he would also sense the residues of Xavier's energy and in fact, his senses would be much higher than the young man's. Of course, he knew that the boy simply wanted to get on his good side.

'Have I, Wang Xuan ever been used?' The armored man, named Wang, pondered while grinning internally. The trembling young man also understood he messed up.

The leader of this group had an eccentric and arrogant personality, and after claiming the armor treasure, it was like giving a tiger a pair of wings.

The gazes of those who were around him, the other Profound Immortal only felt slight pity. Who was them to try and protect him... Wasn't that trying to court death? The young man could only fend for himself at this point.

"Master Wang, please forgive this one's impudence." Groveling on the cold snowy ground, even though it was uncomfortable, he suppressed any pride and gritted his teeth.

"Tell me, how do you want to die...?"


Suddenly, silence descended in the snowy field. As if sensing Wang's emotions, the snow halted for a moment as all present felt their soul tremble. Unknowingly, a deep sense of fear had sprouted in their hearts. In front of this tyranny, they had no way of repelling it.

But still, wasn't this too much? The young man had said what he did for the benefit of Wang. Yes, he had hidden intentions but, it wasn't at all harmful to Wang. They couldn't understand the thoughts Wang had.

Hearing such utter indifference and domineering words from Wang Xuan, as if his life wasn't even worth mentioning, the young man felt his blood disappear. He was as white as a sheet at this moment, his fear had reached an unprecedented peak since becoming an Immortal cultivator.

"T-T-This villain isn't worthy of dirtying Master Wang's hands. I'm sure Master Wang is a magnanimous person and would surely forgive this lowly creature."


Clicking his tongue, Wang's right leg seemed to blur. At this moment, a dreadful sensation coursed through the young man's body but, he couldn't react at all. The surrounding cultivators remained rooted to the spot after realizing that the young man's head seemed to be missing...?!

While this took place, up above, seemingly unsensed by these cultivators, one lone figure with long white hair and two large black pupils had an unreadable expression.