Earth Immortal Freak (4)

"You know of my identity yet, you refuse to grovel on the ground and beg for forgiveness...!"

Wang Xuan didn't expect that Oblivion would have known of his identity as the young master of the famous Wang Branch of Slaughtering Dragons Faction.

'So he was a young master after all.' Oblivion shook his head in understanding. No wonder he was soo arrogant. Throughout his life, he has never faced many challenges.

'It's surprising that someone like him would listen to the City Lord's orders. I wonder, what background does the City Lord have?'

At the same time, a long-bladed sword appeared already gripped in Oblivion's palm. As soon as it appeared, the surrounding snow dispersed.

The moment he gripped the hilt, Oblivion's eyes released a mysterious light that made Wang Xuan feel something gripping his heart.

Fear?! Wang Xuan's complexion turned ashen. Was he feeling fearful right now...?!

Oblivion had defeated Xavier long before reaching anywhere close to the peak of his own Earth Immortal realm.

Now that his cultivation base along with his sword skills also improved, the strength he used to defeat Xavier was nothing in front of his current strength.

But, Wang Xuan was also not someone to look down on. Even before encountering the peculiar armor, Wang Xuan was very confident in suppressing Xavier without much effort.

Now, with the armor adorned, his power was something to behold. With one wave of his hand, he could make countless stars disappear.

It was because of his current strength that, in the face of the fear that Oblivion suddenly brought, Wang Xuan felt unrestrained anger.

Wasn't this too embarrassing...? Oblivion was merely a 'Profound Immortal' after all, so there was no need to feel this way.

With this conclusion, Wang Xuan's arrogance was restored. Any shred of fear was converted into an almost uncontrollable rage as his silhouette blurred before, completely disappearing.


The speed he used was much more than what he used to escape. Wang Xuan's gaze contained contempt and mockery as he approached Oblivion.

The latter seemed to be unable to compare speed in front of Wang Xuan. Where did this fellow gain the confidence to challenge him, Wang Xuan!? Especially with this level of strength.

The arrogance he had just restored, multiplied. But, so to did the anger he felt. With this level of power, someone still dared to challenge him. Wasn't this spitting on his face?

Before Oblivion could react to anything, Wang Xuan had already appeared in front of him. A cold smirk surfaced on Wang's face when seeing Oblivion's clear ignorance.

His armored fist cocked back. A light silvery blue glow exuded out of it as the aura caused ripples to form in the void. With a light grunt, his veins bulged and his fist began its approach.

The fist whizzed through the air. An arc of light was formed. Flames appeared wherever the fist passed. The power it contained was detrimental and incredibly destructive.

'Even Pseudo Golden Immortals shouldn't take this punch head-on... Much less someone as weak as a mere Profound Immortal.'

In Wang Xuan's mind, he could already see Oblivion's skull being crushed and his blood turning into mist.


His fist parted the wind. There was no sound. As if a knife was slicing through butter, blood painted the skies red for a moment. The metallic scent brought a smirk to Wang Xuan's face.

As simple as that. Oblivion's head was already blown to smithereens. He had already transformed into a blood mist and was as good as dead.

Dead... more dead than dead. He didn't even have a complete corpse. How dare someone soo weak challenge the invincible strength of Wang Xuan.


But, Wang Xuan's expression froze. The arrogance in his eyes dissipated into nothingness. Fear and confusion overtook him as he saw his arm reaching the skies before, falling to the ground.


It lands on the snow, spurting out more red blood. The white snow turned red as Oblivion's sword was already back inside the sheath.

Keeping the sheath in place, on his waist, Oblivion coldly stared at Wang Xuan. His eyes contained a detached feeling as if not even watching something alive. As if he was already dead.


Anger once more reignited inside Wang Xuan's body.

His veins bulged as his aura exploded outwards and at the same time, his detached hand suddenly faded away as if a drawing was being erased by an eraser.

His right shoulder which spurted blood stopped. A right arm appeared the moment the detached right arm had disappeared.

Wang Xuan's pupils glowed in a silvery blue light as his sclera blackened.

His elemental state was powerful and the aura sent shivers up the spines of those members who had escaped tens of thousands of miles away from the duo.

At that moment, those figures stopped moving. No, more like they couldn't move. The most shocking part was, they didn't realize.

To them, nothing had changed. Their surroundings were the same. The snow that was falling from the skies, in the surrounding hundred thousand miles, stopped.

Frozen in time!

Time had come to a stop. It was the true power of Wang Xuan. Normally, his speed didn't quicken but, the time in his surroundings slowed for others.

It didn't affect him, so he was incredibly quick. In this stopped time, he was an absolute existence unaffected by the stoppage of time.

"When I was born, I was born with Innate Wisdom. From that moment, I was beyond my peers in terms of both intellect and strength. I'm merely a few hundred thousand years old, and I'm already almost a Golden Immortal."

Wang Xuan's figure levitated slightly above the snow. His gaze arrogantly landed on Oblivion's frozen figure as he smirked coldly while saying.

"Even without the Heavenly Mystic Domain, I may enter the Golden Immortal realm before one million years old. I'm a Legendary Genius yet you want to fight me while still being in the Profound Immortal realm..!"

By the time he finished, his brows were furrowed, his smirk was icy cold, and his aura was domineeringly pressing down onto Oblivion's body, suppressing him completely.

Wang Xuan carried the aura of an Immortal God looking down on all. His figure slowly made its way toward the frozen Oblivion.

'Though I can only maintain this state for two minutes before I run out of Sage Energy, within such a time, it'll be enough to kill this brat.'

Pulling back his fist, he clenched them tightly, before sending an unavoidable punch that had transcended time, toward Oblivion's unprotected face.

'Who told you that you can compare to me? Don't blame me for being too ruthless. In your next life, hopefully, you'll know who to offend and who not to.'


An explosion took place.


'Everything is frozen. Sound... there shouldn't be any sound!' Wang Xuan's eyes flashed with confusion as a shockwave rose from the snow of the land.

There was a massive tornado caused by the raw power between the collision of his fist and Oblivion's body. Shockingly, he couldn't move his hand, as if stuck in place.

Something was holding it down. Wang Xuan was utterly shocked by this development. An idea flashed in his mind as his expression darkened even more.

It couldn't be!

As the snowy field calmed, and the surroundings cleared, Wang Xuan's shocked gaze landed on Oblivion, unaffected by his time manipulation.


Oblivion sent a punch. Wang Xuan was unable to even react, blood splattered all over!