Pure-Heart (8)


Riddled with wounds, Pure-Heart merely snorted coldly. His eyes contained the indifference one would expect from an ancient being like himself.

"Ancient Universe, I see... The Three Thousand so-called Ancient Gods were merely lambs for slaughter. Me killing them was used by you to lessen the suppression made by those other higher Laws."

Reaching here, Pure-Heart's grin widened, reaching to his ears as he continued by saying.

"If this is the case, it most likely means that as someone who had gained comprehension of the origin of mysteries, I am forbidden from killing the people of the universe otherwise the Universe would have the right to kill me..."

His eyes lit up in understanding. "So what truly is the case is that, now that I've begun comprehending this origin of the universe's mysteries, I'd assume that upon reaching a certain level, hehe, even you the universe can be harmed."

Though he was riddled with injuries, the fact that he had seen through the mist that blocked his mind from understanding the Operation Laws, Pure-Heart was happy!

"Not just harmed, but ... Hohohohoho ... I bet, destroying the infinitely expansive universe is very much within the realm of possibility!"


Though he said these words, the current him obviously couldn't do such shocking things. But, seeing the reaction from the universe, Pure-Heart was satisfied.

Hearing his words, the already dark clouds had turned inky black, and the golden purple chains now crackled with lightning and thunder.

Each chain radiated an intensely thick amount of killing intent. Even someone like Pure-Heart felt his heart beat a few ticks faster under the killing intent!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it isn't good to have such murderous intentions!" Pure-Heart shouted as he dodged hundreds of golden-purple chains in an instant.

"Especially when you're facing this one. No matter how powerful you are, once I sense this murderous intention, it is too easy to predict the future path."

* BOOM! *

Simultaneously, an apocalyptic ear-bursting explosion occurred. Lightning bolts came from all directions, striking down on Pure-Heart's body.

At the same time, countless chains of golden purple color had already crashed into his body, threatening to penetrate straight through!


Coughing up a mouthful of weird-colored blood, Pure-Heart was once more sent hurdling away. This time though, his figure didn't go far away...

No, more like he was unable to travel farther than the last time since, around the tenth light-year away, the cracks in the surroundings simply caved in.

Crack! Crunch!!

The whole world seemed to have caved in as Pure-Heart's body blasted its way through a massive hole in the world of three thousand chaotic worlds.

In an instant, his momentum broke past the limits of this place!


Inside the dark infinitely large purple-light expanse, a void crack appeared in the purple space before a humanoid entity flashed out of it.

Regaining control over his body, Pure-Heart's expression was dark. Looking around, toward the hundreds of thousands of star fields nearby... He smirked.

In the Ancient Universe, one being stood in space. Surrounding him, an aura of vastitude and regularity permeated the air.

He seemed like an ancient entity who had been present since the beginning of time as he had a dastardly smirk.

There weren't any of this universe's natural laws in his surroundings. Things like fire or light, even darkness... everything retreated in what seemed to be fear.

Standing alone was Pure-Heart, his surroundings were a grey space! Hundreds of millions of kilometers of laws and mysteries disappeared.

The world lost its luster at a distance of hundreds of millions of kilometers. One figure alone, as he stared passed the fabrics of space, unhindered was his view.

Staring at the countless stars, Pure-Heart's brows furrowed. In the purple skies of the infinite expanse of the universe, a face suddenly appeared.

Light years in size. A face the size of starry skies appeared. It was humungous and contained no emotion as countless golden purple chains rushed out!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

These chains were much faster than before. Unable to react, Pure-Heart was instantly covered in golden-purple chains.

His arms legs and neck were wrapped around by thousands of chains.

At the same time, his veins bulged through his skin as he forcefully grabbed hold of these chains.

His movements were unrestricted even as they were wrapped around his limbs as he yanked each chain away from his body, bursting them in the process.


Even as he did this, it was as if there were an endless supply of them. He ripped apart one, then it would be replaced by ten more.

Again and again. Again and again.

Tens of thousands of times. Yet, as if they were trying to turn him into a mummy or form a cocoon around him, they continued to appear, hundreds of thousands!

The more that appeared, the tighter they wrapped around his body, threatening to squeeze him enough to burst his body into a pool of blood.


Pure-Heart shouted in the void. His powerful voice resounded throughout the space of millions of kilometers around him.

"Bloody Cosmos! Don't push me!"

With no other way, he threatened the universe itself. But, as if trying to provoke him even more, the hundreds of thousands of chains suddenly multiplied.


Tens of Millions!

Seeing this, Pure-Heart gritted his teeth in anger. His hair suddenly broke away from the chains as they swayed in the wind. A wind that wasn't present.

The greyish color seemingly merged with the deep dark purple as Pure-Heart's aura shot through the roof once more.

Breaking apart from the chains, he seemed like a freed beast brimming with unimaginable rage as he shouted.

"Cosmos, oh Cosmos! Don't think I can't remember the time when the grey space entered this realm...

"That time, all the beings, all your children underwent extinction. This time though, it wouldn't be the grey space that sends you into samsara!"

Pure-Heart's eyes gleamed with craziness. Any previous form of authority and elegance his aura permeated had disappeared into the past.

His lips curled as his figure seemed to dematerialize. Nah, this was merely an afterimage. The moment he was freed from the chains, he had already flickered.

His afterimage spoke! This was what communicated with the universe as he had appeared and disappeared in galaxies light years away.

The moment he appeared, he'd already disappeared. No entity inside the civilizations would perceive anything unusual.

The Universe was calm. Nothing happened at all. But, Pure-Heart had already appeared in an empty void after his figure had appeared, disappeared, and reappeared in countless galaxies.

After appearing in the 100th million galaxy away from his first appeared location in the universe, time had resumed moving.

Not even a Planck time had passed, and he had already appeared in trillions of galaxies yet, nothing had happened.

Thrum! Rumble!

But, something definitely changed. As he reappeared in the empty void, the universe itself vibrated!

A massive humanoid body several tens of times larger than Pure-Heart's appeared in the void that Pure-Heart was in.

Though it had appeared, and even though Pure-Heart could see it with his eyes, others wouldn't even be able to sense it.

But, Pure-Heart who had begun comprehending something beyond the mysteries of the universe could sense it...

He could sense what was sending shivers up his spine!


At the same time, all the galaxies which were blessed with Pure-Heart's presence...

They all trembled.

The next moment, inside the whole Ancient Universe, only an endless void filled with cosmic dust remained.