The Final Enemy (9)

"Oh?" Saber suddenly raised an eyebrow. His wounds weren't present and this body of his, the power had already returned to the state when he fought against the last lightning bolt plus even rising more as he grew due to passing the tribulation, Saber had officially become a True Immortal.

Yet, even then, he knew that this kneeling figure could easily kill him. And the scariest part is that this figure may be capable of killing him in a constant loop killing him faster than he could revive...!

But this Tower Lord was kneeling, calling himself Saber's slave. This fact made Saber lament at the power called backing. No wonder in the books he read oh so long ago, the young masters always had a certain level of arrogance that made them turn into villainous cannon fodder.

With his hands clasped behind his back, Saber said... "I was originally intending to forcefully break out of the tower. Seeing that even true immortals couldn't, I'd transcend the true immortal realm but the tower lord wants to be my servant."

Immediately, as Saber's words landed, the tower lord quickly understood. Standing to his feet and upright, he waved his hand, causing ripples in the space. Saber felt the ground tremble violently as cracks began appearing in the space.

Suddenly, in his vision, the winds churned and the skies broke apart. A void appeared and in it were spiraling groups of stars layer upon layer upon each other. What his eyes met was of course the dregs of the empty void of space.

"The cosmos... How long has it been..." For Saber, it's been merely a millennium since he entered Hell's Towers, and was separated from the cosmos. But, previously, he had spent less than twenty years inside the cosmos, so even though, from the standpoint of other cultivators, a thousand years was in the blink of an eye, for Saber it was incredibly long.

The two floated to the open void until reaching inches away, Saber stopped his movements. It wasn't due to him but the fact that the tower lord had stopped. Sensing this, Saber rose an eyebrow and turned his gaze to the tower lord.

Seeing his gaze, the tower lord replied. "As an ascended, we aren't allowed to re-enter the lower world, the cosmos... So once you transcend the true immortal realm, you too would be unable of entering the lower world."

Hearing this, Saber sighed. "So what will you be doing?" Saber wanted a powerful servant like this by his side just in case something unknown took place in the universe.

"I'll remain inside Hell's Tower. When you're ready to ascend, enter Hell's Tower and I'll make a gateway leading straight to the Upper world where your family resides." Saying this, he bowed.


Nodding his head, Saber turned his focus to the starry fields in the void that appeared. With a step, he crossed several thousand miles and his figure blurred, entering the starry void on the other side of the hell's tower.


The Tower Lord saw his fading figure. "I wonder, what will your future be like? Would you triumph against your other half and become a true Deity, or will your other half defeat you... Becoming a true member of the Void clan..."



Angel & Demon Territory...

Throughout the cosmos, there were several regions containing countless starry skies and star fields, and inside this particular galaxy, this starfield held the widely known Tower of Hell... It was located at the center of the starfield, the gathering of countless demons.

These Demons were constantly at war against the Angel race who desired to destroy the Tower of Hell and free the souls trapped inside. During this time, inside the emptiness of the void, a floating pagoda surrounded by several different illusionary laughing skulls, burning souls, and rivers of blood, suddenly trembled.

On the highest point of the tower, a crack opened and closed soon after. Several seconds later, a figure could be seen. He was tall and slender, his upper body was naked and showcased his defined muscles. On his glabella was a glowing dark purple star inside of a circle and his eyes released an enticing evil glow.

There were demonic markings etched across his face releasing an even more evil and fearful presence as they ran down his body and to his lower body which was covered by long black pants...

Saber released a deep yawn and his eyes encompassed all around. With ease, his vision enveloped the closest planet, a couple of light years away. Taking place was a massive war, rivers of golden angelic blood and black demonic blood flowed and continuous forces clashed.

Golden Immortals led legions of Profound Immortals to battle. And an even further distance away, in a different starfield, armies of earth immortal demons and angels clashed.

Blood of different colors spilled out, covering and enveloping the whole galaxy as the aura of death was truly beyond measure...

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...

Saber's voice destroyed the natural order of laws as he spoke out in the void... "All of this? Isn't this simply a massive farm of different elements... Oh my, it seems that when I fight Oblivion, I'll have the three thousand elements!"

Saber didn't bother to create a status window ever since due to the sheer number of elements in his possession. All the elements that existed in the beings of the tower of hell had become his own, giving him slightly more than 1,500 different elements.

"Come let's give it a try... Okay, that galaxy is filled with death write... Let's fuse darkness, death, curse, void, and ruination!" Saber said that whilst his eyes focused on a particular starfield. A book appeared with a wave of his hand along with a pen.

He created these two with the auras of these elements as he began writing. From above, one could see a massive spiraling starfield of several hundred thousand lightyears...

The light that it radiated was shrouded by the death aura and the blood aura... But before long, the void surrounding it trembled, and cracks formed on the stars contained inside the starfield.

A powerful and vile red aura washed over the galaxy. As if the will of the heavens, in the blink of an eye, the red aura was like a wave in the ocean that landed on the galaxy...


Instantly after, a massive hole in the void appeared. In a particular location, surrounded by several other star fields was a black space that lacked any stars. The action had taken merely an instant and like that, Saber wiped out an innumerable amount of life...

"Oh, I forgot. Maybe I should have devoured them and taken their elements." Saber smacked his head in annoyance, secretly berating himself. Waving his hand in the void, an inexhaustible amount of energy radiated.

Others may be sucked dry by this act but for Saber, this was a drop in his reservoir of energy as time and space twisted and life and death experienced samsara! The starfield that had just been exterminated, the countless stars that had died, the innumerable amount of lifeforms, everything and one was revived...!

Space, time, life, and death... Saber had complete control. Like the God of everything, he casually played with their lives as he waved his other hand.

All kinds of mysterious elements intertwined as above the reappearing galaxy, a shockingly expansive mouth that was equal to the size of this galaxy suddenly opened, and released an endless suction force.

"Devour!" Saber mumbled. Right after, a galaxy disappeared... again!