Extinction (1)

Throughout the Heavenly Mystic Domain, a dark and overbearing silence penetrated the minds of those who remained with their life. For most remaining, a deep sensation of fear rendered them unable to even move.

Standing in the center of nowhere was a lone figure with an incredibly long katana resting on his shoulder as its blade stretched for as long as three meters. Simply wielding it would leave the average person bewildered and dazed, unable to do such an act.

But, this wasn't a problem for the being known as Oblivion. His greyish-white hair fluttered in the turbid winds that, even though left a hot and smoky after-effect in the lungs, also left a freezing coldness capable of stopping one's heart.

In such an environment, the average mortal would have died tens of times in a fraction of a second and not know a thing. The winds were soo hot that they'd melt a mortal's skin yet soo cold that they'd freeze up the internal organs in an instant.

Such was the environment of a place that has experienced the sword arts over a thousand years owned by one who controlled and manipulated nihility and one who infused such concepts into sword arts at the level of or even higher than golden immortals.

Said entity faced off against beings of the level of Prime Immortals who refused to submit to his tyranny and the inevitable future that will see their existence as they know it diminished into nothing and their reliance solely on this one entity soaring through the roof.

Even as a golden immortal, Oblivion didn't show any trepidation as he was willing to even give these creations that, according to his memories, could be considered his children, a chance at survival and free reigns by his extinction.

Once he died, they'll be free of the fate of extinction. Either one must be extinct for the other to come out as a mere survivor.

With his right hand gripping tightly on the handle of his long katana that rested on his shoulder, and the left resting on his waist, Oblivion welcomed his first Prime Immortal since coming to.

"Will you truly stick by your words?" A voice entered Oblivion's ear. A distance of close to a thousand miles away, a short entity questioned Orion with delight on her face. Power bubbled through her body.

As her question was answered, a calm gleam of determination appeared as she shifted her gaze toward Oblivion. Due to how quiet the realm was, it was easy to hear her voice the first time, the second time though, it was a whisper.

"Forgive me, the Creator, but I wish not for extinction." She solemnly whispered. These words entered Oblivion's ears. Already, in an instant, she had disappeared from Liam, Henry, and Dawn's vision and had appeared inches away from Oblivion.

"Did he not tell you? I'll revive you..." Oblivion casually replied. A smile was ever present on his face that was as bright as an angel yet as detached as a god and as wicked as a demon. This smirk gave even someone in the realm of a Prime Immortal shivers down her spine.

"Lord Orion conveyed everything. Your identity, your intention, and most importantly, your past as Pure-Heart, the one who went against the natural order of creation, the one who went against the ancient universe itself." She replied.

"Oh?" Oblivion rose an eyebrow. "If you know of all this, isn't this more reason why you should kneel right now and worship me as I am your god and you know it...!" Snickering, Oblivion casually said this with an ever-increasing grin that reached either ear.

This small entity's green eyes glowed as she retorted. "Yes, everything is perfect but, someone who could go against the natural order of creation can easily and most definitely go back on their word.

I know not why Lord Orion who is capable of easily killing you refuses to but seeing as I've got the chance to free him and myself, along with my brothers and sisters, I shall do the honors!"


A majestic aura descended. The skies were covered in a mysterious green glow as her large green eyes glittered with mystical and magical power. Seeing this, and hearing her words filled with conviction, Oblivion clicked his tongue.

"Oh my, so you're willing to go against the very order of creation that made you. Hehe, you make me out to be the evil one yet here you are doing the same thing."


Oblivion's words entered his surroundings. For a moment, these words caused the petite prime immortal beauty to come to a sharp and sudden halt. Her aura dispersed and Oblivion's eyes showcased a cold light.

"Have you realized we aren't that different? As my children, I can forgive you once." Saying this, Oblivion's tone was noticeably softer.

"I'm sorry." The prime immortal softly exclaimed. Her blonde hair rose as her aura skyrocketed even more than before. It was much faster than previously and its end pierced through the clouds, shaking the outer region of the heavenly mystic domain.


With a small and delicate palm that was covered in a mysterious green glow, she outstretched her right hand, sending a palm that thought was delicate, only containing boundless destructive powers as countless brilliant lights intertwined.

With a distance of merely several inches, the attack landed practically instantly. This realm was created by a true immortal so its limit of containing power was that of a Prime Immortal hence the reason why her attacks landed on Oblivion before time could pass.

Landing on Oblivion's chest, it exploded into a green light that sent a shockwave that pushed away all in a distance of several million miles. Practically, in one instance, all under the level of prime immortals were sent flying.

If not for the protection of Orion, Liam, Dawn, and Henry would have exploded into blood mist by now as the others who weren't prime immortals also suffered and were sent flying countless miles away with their bodies threatening to explode.

As the one who faced the attack at its most powerful state and not merely its shockwave, Oblivion who held the power of a golden immortal would explode into nothing. Not even his flesh and blood would remain if ever he was a normal practitioner.

But such a powerful attack, once landing on his body, sent him flying back several miles. Under such a powerful force, he was capable of stabilizing several miles away. On his bare chest, a small and delicate palm imprinted itself onto his chest.

Floating in the skies, Oblivion calmly smiled. There wasn't any anger or hatred in his smile as he watched the petite prime immortal who adorned a shocked expression seeing how easily he had tanked her attack, and what minimal damage remained.

"After awakening my memories, I'm able to perceive in a much broader way. Yes, long ago, when Oblivion was now created, I was narrow-minded. Now though, I see the beauty of creation. As such a beautiful girl, I'll allow it... I'll allow your handprint to stay on my chest..."

Raising his katana to the skies, one can see the three-meter-long blade gleaming under the green glow caused by his opponent's aura. The very length of his katana was almost two and a half times larger than the prime immoral he faced.

"Do you wish to see my attack now?" Oblivion politely asked... As the solemn expression on the green-eyed beauty resurfaced, he snickered once more saying, "Yes, you'll need all of your strength if you wish to face off against someone like me... even if I'm 'merely' a golden immortal."