Chapter 57

They were training, or better, Edgar was training, while Delina just watched. He invited her to learn how to use a sword, but she couldn't stand that. At least not at that moment. 

"I have no abilities." she complained, sitting on the bench. 

"You hardly tried…" Edgar said and sat by her side. "Are you sure you don't wanna give it another try?"

"Honey, no at this moment. I prefer to watch you." She smiled and he gave her a peek. They were alone in the training room.

"Ok, then. Maybe watching it makes you feel more interested."

"Maybe. Or maybe I'll just be happy watching you swinging that sword."

Edgar thought about another sword he could be swinging, but he kept it to himself. If they started to play around with sexual things, he would not train and they could even be caught in the event of someone arriving by surprise there. Not that he minded being caught, the problem was that he didn't want to risk her being seen naked by anyone.