Chapter 81

The dining table was absolutely splendid. Suindara consented to a meeting, Delina talked to the girl's parents who, without batting an eye, accepted that Giovietta was courted by the magician. It showed how not fond of her they were.

Sophie helped Giovietta finish getting ready to make her look even more adorable.

"W-what if h-he d-doesn't like m-me?" Giovietta asked, clearly nervous.

"There's nothing not to like about you, Lady Gallard."

"I… I'm a s-stutt-terer. He might not want me."

"Have you ever thought that you might not want him?" Sophie asked. "He is older."

"I've s-seen him at s-some celeb-brations." Giovietta spoke and blushed, looking down.

Sophie smiled.

"Did you find him attractive?"

Giovietta covered her face with her hands, embarrassed. Sophie could only think that I like it, it's really something very personal.