Chapter 127

Delina opened her eyes with the bright sun above her head. She raised her arms to cover and protect her eyes, but interestingly, it was just an automatic response. The light was not really burning. Nor was her skiing feeling the heat. 

She sat up and looked around. She was surrounded by grass. Tall grass. touching one of the leaves, she noticed it was all too dry, yellowish. 

'Probably the sun's work', she thought and got up, tapping her dress to clean it. But.. she was not wearing a dress. Were those.. pants? Weird pants, of a blue material she had never touched. That was not brin. 

Then, her ears noticed something: there was no sound. No bird, no grasshopper or cicada. Nothing. Not even the wind. 

Looking at the grass, it was moving, her hair moved, but she could feel nothing on her skin. 

"Is that a dream?" She tried to say, but she was not sure if she said or if that stayed in her mind. Another look around and yes, she was all alone.