Ch.4 Skinny dipping.

We went inside the home and I saw that sofa, TV and some other stuff that required installation was already there. There was still a lot of stuff that would need to be unpacked. Mom said, "Now, sit and tell me how your day was. Did they treat you well" She sat on the sofa and was pouring tea for me.

I dropped my bag and sat on the sofa. She handed me the cup and I took a sip and said, "I had a good day meeting some people, you have met Allison already and there were a few others, they were alright."

She looked at me and said, "They thought you were a knucklehead didn't they?"

I sighed and nodded and took a sip. She looked at me and said, "Well, it's just the first day, as time goes by they will get to know you better."

I looked at her and smiled and then asked, "How was your day?"

She smiled and picked up her cup and said, "Oh, I had a great first day, the people are really nice, just like back h…home." She looked away and took a sip.

I smiled and said, "Oh, they are really friendly, I met this guy Dan…" She smiled and continued to listen to me and I told her about making into the lacrosse team.

She was excited and put her cup away and hugged me. Fortunately I moved my cup and she said, "Oh, that's wonderful baby… I am so happy for you."

I smiled and hugged her back and she said, "Do you need new shoes or gear?"

I shook my head and said, "I guess but I can buy it later… right now I am loaning the gear from school." I picked up my cup and said, "But with that said, I will need to train again."

She shook her head and held my hand and said, "Oh, you don't worry about it, I am going to make sure that we spend time together and I am coming to every game."

I took a sip and said, "Well, you can miss some games."

She looked at me and said, "I am not losing even one."

She once again hugged me tightly and said, "Oh, I am so happy."

I nodded and said, "I am happy too, but you are suffocating me, mom."

She still didn't let go of me.


I reached my room and I saw my boxes in my room and I dropped my bag and plugged in my earphones and I played Real slim shady. and I started to unpack. I first unpacked the box that had my clothes. I opened my closet and placed my clothes and then I opened the box with my old football shoes and some work out equipment that included a bar. I put that aside on the table for now. I unpacked the box that had some of the books I had read, it included some of the Harry Potter books, Moby Dick because I had a book report on it but ended up liking it, King of fireflies and Some history books.

I set up the table with a lamp and some supplies. After that was done. I picked up that bar and I fixed it in the doorway of the walk in closet. I grasped it and tried some pull ups and to try and see if it was secure enough and it was. Then I put away some of the other training equipment in the closet. There was only one box remaining.

I looked at it and it said, "Journals." I sighed and said, "Why did she put these in my room?" I picked it up and put that box in the back of the closet. I closed the closet and I looked at the room, it was decent now, it looked a little better than yesterday. I went to check what mom was doing and I was just outside the room and I could hear her talk to someone on the phone.

"No, we are adjusting well, no one is suspicious of us. I asked Lucius and he wasn't asked anything as well." It looks like she is talking to Hanna. I nodded and said, "It's going to take a while." I closed my door and I climbed out the window and onto the roof. I walked to the other side of the house, no one should see me from here. I got the cigarette out of my pocket and I lit it and took a puff.

I looked at the drowning sun and I wondered about these powers that I had gained. They just seem weird and rather sudden. What caused this? And am I the only one?


It was 11:00 pm. I was in my room and mom had ordered me to sleep. She didn't want us to be late again. I was laying on my bed and was trying to sleep. It was proving to be a little bit difficult with all the noises around me. I turned over and I tried to sleep. Slowly I drifted to sleep.

After a while I found myself in that same forest and I looked around to see if there were any more wolves like last time. But no one was here today. I started to walk but unlike last time, I didn't really want to chase something, I was just walking and looking around. The trees around me were huge and there were a lot of shrubs, some of which glowed as well.

I found that place where I was yesterday, that small hill looking over the lake covered with fog. I climbed and sat down on the hill, there was no one else beside me. I sat there and looked at the lake and I could still see a pair of red eyes in the lake pacing around. The silhouette of it was larger than any wolf I had ever seen.

I had been sitting there for a while and no one came so I decided to leave and see if there was something else to explore or not. But as I was getting up. I saw a green door at the shore of the lake and I was confused because there was no shore like that yesterday. The door was slightly open and had light come out of it.

I looked at it and I thought this might be the way out of here I guess. I slid down the hill and I reached the bottom. I saw that from here I can't really see the silhouette of that wolf. I decided to check out the lake a little. I walked towards the lake and as I felt the cold water on my skin I strangely felt relieved. I was knee deep in the lake. I took a dip in the lake and I felt refreshed. I took in some sips of water and it was the most amazing water I had ever tasted.

I laid in that water for a while and felt all of my worries and fatigue leave my body, I didn't want to leave this place. It felt good, it felt like… home. I heard some footsteps, I looked behind and it was that same silver wolf from before, it looked at me and pointed towards the door. I sighed and got out of the water. I looked at that wolf and I asked "What's behind this door?"

It just looked at me and growled I sighed and slumped my shoulders. I said, "I don't want to leave." It looked at me and started to push me towards the door and I tried to resist thinking I was strong but I was easily corrected. It picked me up with its mouth and threw me out the door.

As I entered through the door, I found myself in my bed but it was weirdly a little small. I got up and I yawned and I was scratching my stomach but I felt something. I looked down and I saw that I had abs. I touched them and they were real and I said, "Okay, you guys, were definitely not there yesterday."

I got up from bed and walked towards the mirror and I saw that my whole body was at its peak even better than when I was playing football. I chuckled and said, "This just keeps getting weirder." But the thing that changed that bothered me the most was my eyes. It was like a mix of green with a hue of purple in it.

I shook my head and started to get ready for school.


I walked downstairs towards the kitchen, mom was making breakfast. She saw me and said, "Good thing you woke up on your own. I have much work to do today at the bank." She then looked at me and squinted and asked "Did you grow a little?"

She walked towards me and she said, "Stand up." I stood up and I was worried that she might think that something weird was going on. She looked up and down and she turned me around and touched my face and she sighed and tiled her head and said, "Looks like you too will be like your dad."

I saw a little disappointment in her eyes and I sat down and said, "I am not going to be like dad."

She looked at me and looked down and exhaled sharply and said, "I didn't mean it like that." I looked at her and she shook her head and came with a plate of pancakes in her hand and said, "The people on your dad's side have grown exponentially during these years. Some more than others"

I was relieved to hear this and she continued, "Your dad grew like 3-4 inches during this time, along with muscles but his eyes didn't change."

I looked at her and said, "So, is there anything else tied to this growth?"

She looked away and I said, "Mom?"

She smiled and said, "Nothing that should worry you.~" She had that calming smile on her face and I knew something was amiss.

She sighed and said, "Your dad had the problem of aggression but he was the only one in your family with this problem and he didn't grow too big. According to your dad, his grandpa grew a whole lot. He was 6'8" and he never caught a disease until he died when he was 106 in an accident. Our whole town believed… " She was about to continue but then she looked at the clock and said, "Lucicus, I have to run. I am late."

I looked at her and said, "At least finish the story." She picked up her purse and said, "Later I promise." She walked up to me and she kissed my forehead and said, "Now do not forget to take your lunch and lock up the house and be home soon."

I nodded and she kissed my forehead again and I went back to eating. I finished my food and took my lunch and went out of the house and I saw Allison in my driveway and I looked at her and was confused and I said, "Good, Morning."

She smiled and said, "Good morning."

I walked towards my car and I smiled and said, "To what do I owe the early visit?"

She looked at me and said, "Well tomorrow you showed me your lovely car and I was expecting to hitch a ride to school~" I looked at her and she smiled

I opened the door and I smiled and said, "Get in."

She smiled and got inside the car, she looked at the interior and touched the dashboard. She looked at the cassette player and she looked at me and said, "Where are the tapes?"

I pointed at the glove compartment and she opened it and was going through them and I started the car and it purred. I got it out the driveway and she picked up one and smiled. She put it in and it was "T.N.T" I smiled and said, "Oh great choice.

I revved the engine and we were off to school.


Hey guys I hope you like the chapter, some thing to clear when he is in that space where wolves are he is in his human form and the wolves are important think of them like the scene from black panther where he gets to meet his dad. And i still don't know about the love interest some have suggested Allison and Kira. Both of which are good but I still don't know if they will go along with the characters ideal safe to say season 1 will have no love interest he will have like flings but no love interest.