Ch.11 It's play time

After the incident, Scott left early, but the practice still went on. After the practice was over, I drove home. I entered my house, and I went into the kitchen. I saw a note on the fridge that said, "I'll be home later today. Don't wait up and order a pizza." I said, "Cool, I'll have more time to train, I guess."

I opened up the fridge, and I made a sandwich and I packed it and put it in my bag. I got in my car and drove again to the cave, but I made one stop at the pet store. I got some dog treats. I parked my car near the reserve and I went on foot. I used my sense of smell to track the cave.

After walking for 10-15 minutes I found the cave and I saw the coyote in the cave sleeping, as it heard my footsteps it got up and barked and ran towards me, it circled me and was wagging her tail and I chuckled and said, "Looks like you are happy to see me." She yipped and tackled me and I fell on my ass and she licked my face.

It felt weird, and I chuckled and said, "Come on, stop now." But she didn't, I got the treats out of my bag and I opened it and she was intrigued and she sat down and looked at the bag, I shook the bag and it looked at it with intent, I got one treat out of it and I placed it in my palm and I offered it to her and she smelled it and then ate the treat.

She liked it and licked my palm. I gave her some more treats and talked to her. and she ate the treats and listened to me. "So I told her to give him a chance, and she said okay and then she sighed, I mean what do you want from me, I am telling you she has some weird logic, first you flirt with me then you make vague commitments with someone, you also try to kiss that said person and then get mad at me. I am lucky that she is not my problem anymore, Scott can take her." She looked at me and she barked and I said, "Want another treat?"

It still barked, and I sighed and said, "I am asking answers from a coyote…" I exhaled and I said, "Even though you may or may not understand… you are all who I got. I can't talk to anyone about this." She barked, and I petted her head and then I got up and said, "Well, it's time to practise a little."

I stripped and it stood there watching me and as I stood completely naked, I said, "Now, let's see. How do I do it?"

I remembered how I felt when I transformed. I need to raise my heart rate now. How do I do it? I sighed, and I said, "Here goes nothing." I closed my eyes, and I took a deep breath in and I remembered my dad. He was dead on the floor in a puddle made of his own blood. His head blasted open and that dead look in his eyes.

My heart raced, and I felt that heat again. It spread from my heart, and I saw my nails grew and they extended from my fingers and my teeth grew into fangs.

I was still standing, but then the heat in my body increased again significantly and my bones broke, first my legs broke and I fell to the ground and then my hands then my other bones broke, but compared to last time they were breaking relatively faster, it took almost 47 seconds to break all the bones. She still stood near me and whimpered, trying to comfort me.

I wish she was there the first time it happened. It would have been a lot easier, then my bones started to join and hair grew and in 20 seconds later I transformed into that giant wolf and yet again all the pain went away.

I stood tall and powerful and I laid down on the ground and thought so it took about 1 minute and 7 seconds for me to transform fully, while breaking my bones is a little slow the joining and restructuring is fast so, I need to break the bones faster and also need to stop in the middle step.

She saw me thinking, and she barked and was wagging her tail. I smiled and barked back as well. She wanted to play; I suppose. I tried to mimic her running and jumping. She would tackle me and nibble on my neck and try to roll me over, but all that would happen was she would end up standing on my back. Honestly, it was funny.

I tried to do the same. I carefully tackled her and nibbled on her neck and then tried rolling her over and I was successful. She was under me and I had her neck. She barked and I let it go. She rolled over and laid on her back and barked again. Then she licked my face. Trying to get her back I licker her as well but it backfired, and she was happy.

After the little play session, I stood up and now I wanted to transform back and to do so, I would need to do the opposite. I need to relax. So I thought of relaxing stuff. But every time I would try to think of something relaxing, my dad would pop up in my head.

I tried to think of a babbling brook, a waterfall, sea. Nothing worked. I sighed and laid down. She saw me and barked and again petted me and I tried to relax like that; I thought of the moon; I saw myself laying on the ground gazing upon the stars and the moon and I relaxed and in a few moments the heat went away, but the bones still broke but I found that turning back human was easier than turning into a wolf.

I tried to stop in the middle of the process to access the middle state, but I couldn't. I went directly to a human. When I got my boxers, I said, "Let's take a break." She was happy, and she went to get her ball. I rested under the tree and ate my sandwich. She brought me the ball, and we played catch until I finished eating.

After eating, I again went back to breaking my bones. I tried to stop in the middle state, but the trigger was too big to stop. I would need something that was infuriating, but not as much as my dad. All in all, I transformed 13 times that day, after it went dark, called it a night and said goodbye to her.

She was not happy to see me go, but I had to. If she was a dog, I could have taken her home. I gave her some treats and some pets and then made my way home. I ran because it was late and I didn't want to encounter any more weird animals/monsters today. I reached my car rather quickly. I got in and made my home.


I reached home, and it was around 6:47. Mom was still not home. I called for a pizza for myself. I ordered a large pepperoni pizza and a large coke. My room was where I went to study. I did the chemistry assignment. The sir seemed not that nice, so I did it first, as I was doing it.

When I heard the bell ring, I went to check, and it was the pizza guy. I paid for the pizza and took it upstairs. After I ate some pizza, I did my homework. I did calculus and biology and those were the assignments that I had to do. After the assignment was done. I leaned back in my chair and sighed in relief.

I grabbed my bag and grabbed the cigarettes, but they were empty. I put them back in and got up from my desk and walked to my closet and opened it and grabbed a box in the back. After taking it out of the closet, I put it on my desk. There was a small box inside in which I had put some of my cigarettes. I opened the small box and got one pack out. I saw the journals in the box.

All of which were leather bound. These journals were of my great grandfather. I looked at them and I thought, if my mom is telling the truth about my great grandpa then there is a chance that he knows about us. Maybe I can learn something from him. I grabbed a journal that said, 1862. I grabbed my cigarettes and went outside.

I lit the cigarette, and I took a puff, and opened the journal. There was a chain in the journal. I took it and there was a ring on it. I inspected it. The ring was made of silver and had a large black gem in it. There was an emblem in the gem. The emblem had a round shield with a wolf's head and two herbs.

I put it aside and I read the journal. "It is March1862, I have enlisted in the army by my father, I had no interest in the war and what it stood for, yet I had stay silent there were many among me who shared the same sentiment as me, they were here on their families command or because they wanted an escape from their stale life."

I sighed, and I turned some pages and read ahead, "I saw my first battle today. I killed many men today, many my age… the guilt I bear for ending their young lives lies heavy on my shoulders. My commander tells me the war is for our birthright and that I should feel happy that I am serving a higher cause."

I read a little ahead "I am trying to subdue the guilt but I am changing, my body is craving for more, I am picking fights with my fellow man, I have tried to kill one man as well and it has landed me in trouble. They have sentenced me to flogging till I kneel. The punishment was unsuccessful."

"As my body sleeps, my soul wanders the ethereal forest, I see myself running in the forest in my truest self. I get visited upon by these dire wolves sometimes. We stand next to each other gazing at the moon. I try to talk to them but they don't talk to me yet. I also see a demon who is paces across the lake, its crimson eyes piercing my soul."

"Under the full moon, those demons attacked us. They decimated most of the troops. I was fighting as well, but when the moon was at its apex. I felt a fire in my chest, the soldiers who were with me were worried for me, but they saw what happened to me and they started running, my bones broke, I grew fangs and I saw myself transform into the same dire wolf that had visited me in my dreams.

I killed many enemies, allies alike that day, but in no way I had lost my mind. Everything I did was in my hands. I transformed back in the morning."

"I have left the army today. It is harder to control the shift when you are constantly on the edge. I had written a letter to my father stating my decision. He wasn't happy, but still accepted it. They discharged me from the army and went back home to Luna Lake."

As I was about to read more, I heard my mom's car coming. I closed the journal and picked up the chain and wore it and went inside. Before, she could see me on the roof.


Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter. I know it could have been a little bigger, but I couldn't. There are other things as well that I needed to write. But the next chapter will be like a little continuation of this chapter and do not worry Allison and Mc are not getting together in the traditional since it would be a little weird and it might have a hentai logic to it so fair warning but there is still some time in that from happening. Anyway, guys leave a comment on this chapter, and drop some stones as well. I'll see you in the next one. Bye.