Ch.15 A demon doggo appeared out of nowhere!

Laying on a bed, the morning rays were teasing me to wake up, but the bed was hugging me tight, not wanting to let go of me and neither did I want to go. I wanted to sleep in after last night, but I got little sleep. We were up for a long time. I shuffled in the bed and I felt an actual pair of hands around me, hugging me close.

I turned around and opened my eyes and I saw it was Ray. I sighed and cursed myself. I wanted to leave before morning. I gently pried her hands off me and I got up. I quietly took my pants that were laying on the floor and I put them on and I took my stuff like my t-shirt, wallet and phone.

I was putting my t-shirt on and I saw miss calls from Mom. There were like 50+ miss calls. I exhaled, and I took a last look at her and she was sleeping very peacefully. I whispered, "Bye." and left the room. I got in my car and left for home.

Honestly, I didn't want to go home, but I didn't have a choice. I sped up and drove towards home.


I reached home, and I parked my car in front of the house. I had turned off the engine already so that it would be a little more quiet by the time I would drift to home. I got out of the car and I went around the house and I jumped the fence and I tiptoed my way across the garden and climbed the tree and got to my room.

But to my surprise, I saw my mom waiting for me with my lacrosse stick on my bed. She looked pissed. I smacked my lips, and I smiled and said, "I'll show myself out." I quickly turned around, wanting to leave.

Her cold, piercing voice entered my ears. "Take another step, and you are grounded for life."

I chuckled and turned around and I said, "I was just kidding, mom." She got up, and she hugged me and she said, "You know how much I was worried. I thought something happened to you."

I hugged her back, and she sighed and asked, "Where were you?" I realised the trap. She held my face with her two hands. I tried to look away, but she forcefully moved my head and she kept looking at me.

I smacked my lips and said, "I was at a friend's house."

She looked at me and she asked, "Is this friend Ashley?"

I nodded, and she sighed and said, "Do I need to have the talk with you?"

I looked at my mom and said, "I think we had the talk a year prior."

She looked at me and let go of me and she said, "So, you guys did nothing?" I nearly laughed and my mom sighed and said, "Alright, alright." She turned around, and she said, "I am going to take a nap. I was up all night."

I nodded and said, "Alright mom."

She nodded, and she walked away. I removed my t-shirt, and she came back and I hid the hickey on my shoulder and she said, "And yeah, you are making dinners and cleaning the house for two weeks."

She smirked and said, "And apply some cold compress on that." I looked at her and cursed inside and she said, "Ashley is a little freaky, huh? I would like to meet her some day."

I was embarrassed, and I looked down and rubbed the bridge of my nose and said, "Alright mom, please."

She laughed and got out of my room. I locked my room, and I laid down on my bed and sighed. All this talk about Ashley reminded me I needed to check on her today.


I was heading into the woods to check up on Ashley. It has been worrying me. I know that she could have gone on a hunt but I have been giving her food and a good amount at that. So with a secured food supply, why would she go on a hunt?

She was still not in her cave when I got there. I sighed and called out for her, and still not there. I slumped my shoulders and exhaled. No one was in sight. I tried to transform, and I didn't take my clothes off cause I wanted to see if I could enter that middle state.

Instead of thinking about my dad, I thought about Ray. I tried to remember every detail of what I did and what was happening. Slowly my heart rate increased and it reached that critical point and I started to shift. My nails grew into claws and my teeth grew into fangs and I felt a lot more powerful than I normally would, but unlike last time. I was able to stop it there, the trigger wasn't big as dad and Ray and Ashley helped as well.

The new form excited me to try it out. I ran, and I was fast, but not as fast as I am in the wolf form. I tried lifting dead trees and I easily could. The reflexes and senses were the same, even though I was a little slower. This form was excellent, but not as good as the wolf's form.

After my testing, I once again looked for Ashley, but no sign of her. I sighed and shifted back and went home. Maybe she'll come tomorrow. Thinking that I went home.


As punishment, I had made dinner… I made spaghetti meatballs, and some fried chicken. I don't know many dishes, but mom says she will kinda train me in it. She said, "It'll come in handy when you go to college." and I am not against learning something that will come in handy in the future.

Right now mom had gone to sleep early, and I was sitting out on the roof, I was smoking and reading Thomas's journals and. It has turned from a cool werewolf diary talking about his discoveries to his love life. He goes on and on about Anya. It is feeling weird to read about it.

"Anya and I have finally tied the knot. Father was unhappy about this, but my mother had convinced him to agree to this decision we had made. I know that the road ahead of us is rough. But I believe we will be fine as long as we have each other."

"Anya had told me about these magical people known as druids that help people like us. I had always wanted to meet them and today, I encountered one in the woods. The man was free. He had a tall, skinny appearance, with black long locks and a green cloak shrouded him. He could tell that I differed from normal humans.

I wanted to invite him to my home, but my father would never allow him to enter our house. He stayed in Lunar lake for some time, during which he and I became somewhat of friends. He told me about the history of most wolves, but he was adamant that this was not my history.

He told me about his travel and he told me he was in search of a sacred tree called Nemeton. The world tree. He has heard that it is somewhere on the west coast and he wanted to find it. His determination impressed me. I wish I could travel like him, but I have my duties to my family."

As I was reading all this, I heard a howl. It was coming from far away near school. It was like a cry for help. I was panicking, thinking if it was Ashley. She may need my help. I removed my clothes, and I shifted into the wolf form and I jumped off the roof and ran to where the cry was coming from.

I was running through the forest and I checked the cave first and I saw she wasn't in the cave but I heard a scream of a human coming from the school. I ran to the school. I was worried that she had attacked a human.


I reached the school, and I could smell blood, and I smelled a familiar scent. I followed the scent, and I found myself in the parking of the buses. There was a large monster wolf and a small human on the bus. The giant wolf removed the seat from the bus and threw it at the guy trapping him. It got off the bus, and it saw me.

It growled and looked at me with its crimson red eyes. I looked at him and I snarled and I walked towards him, but he didn't back down. It kept looking at me and it ran at me. I growled and ran towards him.

He swiped his right hand, and I jumped over his hand and I bit down on his neck and rolled him. I grabbed onto his throat and I was biting down on him. He grabbed me from his back and punched me in my stomach, but I still didn't let go of him. He growled and whined in pain. He impaled me with his claws, and I had to let go of his throat.

My wounds healed instantly and steam was emerging from where he had impaled me. He saw that, and he growled and he turned around and ran away. I wanted to follow him, but I saw a man make a run for it. He was covered in claw marks and was bleeding all over.

I followed that man, and he fell unconscious on the ground around the bushes. I flipped him over and he looked okay. The claw and bite marks weren't that deep, but still. I grabbed that man in my mouth and I sneakily put him near the road so that someone may see him and take him to the hospital.

After that, when I went to check on the guy who was on the bus, I saw that there was no one. He had already left. I heard screeching of tires and I heard, "Oh my god, is he breathing? " And that was my queue to leave.

I ran through the preserve to reach my home. When I reached my home, I shifted back. I exhaled, and I said, "Where is she?"


Hey guys I hope you guys liked the chapter. I need to tell you something, I will need to change a little bit about Thomas, his last name is not supposed to be Belmont. Belmont is the last name of Finn's mom. And one question: how would you like if Ray was the French teacher from season 3 the advisor to the alpha pack? And No she is not the love interest. Please stop with that. I know who it will be so please stop.

And lastly I was reading about Naruto and did you know that there are other continents beside the elemental continent. A chakra rift separated them all. There is a viking continent as well.

And yeah, that is it if you liked the chapter leave some comments on the chapter and throw some spare stones if you have them lying around and I will see you in the next one.

PS:- Thank you daooflaziness for the review.