Ch.17 Inheritance

I am here again to talk. I can feel like this chapter will have like a divide because in this chapter Mc just reads the journal, gets new information and gets an inheritance from Florian.

I know it can feel like that the Mc should go to the guy in the hospital to check it out more but why would he do that, he is not about to find that monster and kill him, so it doesn't make sense.

I am really trying to keep Mc away from the main plot while trying to move his plot along, if you guys read this chapter and believe that it is not good and that I should change it in any way, you can comment it. I will delete this one and make a new one.

And lastly when i said that the MC's wolf form is like from Twilight. I only mean physicaly not how they function so no imprinting and stuff like that.

That's it of my rant enjoy the chapter


Sitting on the roof of my house under the starry night, I was smoking and reading the Journal and it was getting a little more interesting. Thomas has set off on a journey to find the Nemeton. World tree according to the druids. He was told by Florian a wandering druid in search of the same Nemeton. 

"After months of travel, chasing the Nemeton. I still couldn't find it. Florian had told me that the Nematon is somewhere on the east coast, but even he didn't know. I was in the state of California in a small town called Beacon Hills. The new town was settled by the hunters of gold but the town was a little empty now… since no one found any gold.

Arriving in the town I felt a strange power in the air. It attracted me. I had a feeling that this was the town where I might find Nemeton. And I was correct. As soon as I got off the carriage, I was met with a familiar face. It was Florian.

He saw me and was happy to see me here, he had aged a little by the time I had seen him. He invited me to his home which I graciously accepted. He had made his home in the woods. Near a small waterfall which fed to a lake down the stream. Entering his home, I felt at peace. 

I had asked him about the Nemeton if it was here and he smiled and nodded. I was happy that after months of waiting I'll finally see it. I wanted to go there immediately but he told me to rest first. He promised to take me there first thing in the morning.

I calmed myself and I agreed to rest from the long journey, we ate and talked. I learned that he is acting like a shaman of this town helping them and healing them, they had made this home for him. I was a little sad that they made it in the middle of the woods, but Florian was happy that they showed him this kindness, I was always taken back by his way of thinking.

He asked me about Anya and I told him about my son and how everything was and he was happy for me. It was nice to meet an old friend of mine. We talked deep into the night when we woke up. I was excited like a little kid to see the tree.

Florian decided not to wait for me any longer and took me to a different part of the forest. This forest was deep out of the town. This part of the forest was densely packed with trees and rocks, a little hilly area but the ground also had many little craters. I had asked if anyone else had found it to which he replied that he wasn't the only one here.

After walking into the forest for some time, we came face to face with the Nemeton. The large tree was supported by its huge stump with many of its branches reaching to the ground to support the tree, the leaves of the tree provided shade for a few people that were there and who were praying or doing a ritual.

We walked closer to the tree to see it, to feel it. As I got closer, my body started to absorb the miniscule amount of power from the tree. I was in front of the giant tree. I sighed and I looked up and little rays of sunlight were falling on my face. I smiled and I touched the tree.

As I touched the tree I felt something deep within me clawing at the door, it wanted out. I have had this feeling before but it was when I had first shifted then why is it that I am feeling it again. Florian saw me struggling and he took me out of the forest as quickly as he could. He asked me what was happening.

I told him about the dreams and what I felt when I saw that tree and about that wolf in the lake. And Florian was pretty sure that the wolf in the lake was attracted to the power of the Nemeton and it wanted to come out of me. 

Florian thinking of a solution to all this made me a ring with silver and a black onyx gem imbued and enchanted with magic with the base being of the Nemeton ash and wolf's bane. He carved the runes on its back binding it all together.

He gave me the ring and he told me to wear it. I wore it without questioning him, I asked him about the purpose of the ring and he told me that the wolf inside the lake is a creature of darkness, that lusts over the power.

 He told me that he suspects that we are supposed to be its guards, watchers keeping an eye on that creature so that he doesn't come out. He told me to stay away from Nemeton.

The closer I get to the Nemeton, the closer the wolf will be to gaining its freedom and if it did so. It would wreak havoc on humans."

I read that and I sighed and said, "Okay, so… never go to the Nemeton. Cool… will stay away from the big tree."

I closed the journal cause I was a little overwhelmed by the fact that I have a monster inside me who wants to get out and it's my responsibility to not let that happen. 

I shook my head and lit up another cigarette, "This is just super." 


The school went by as usual and today was no practice as well, I was not complaining but it was a little odd. I called my mom and it went to voicemail. I told her that the practice will be running late today. After making excuses, I went to explore the cabin in the woods.

I know it's counter intuitive to do this after I said I will stay away from Nemeton, but this guy was a wizard. Like some actual harry potter shit dude and that is way more interesting than bowling. I needed to see how he was. It is possible that nothing remains there, but still it will be a fun trek at least.

I arrived at the woods on the west side of the town, there was a lake nearby. I got out of my house and I saw a cabin there, but it looked a little modern so I thought this must not be it. I took my bag and I got out of the car and started to walk. 

I could hear the faint noise of the waterfall in the distance. I followed that noise. I had to walk for a mile after I arrived there. I saw a decent size wood cabin, hidden by the trees growing around the cabin. I was excited and I walked towards the cabin.

As I got closer there was a pulsing sensation in my right thumb, I saw that the ring was giving a faint glow, it was fascinating to see. I reached the door and as I was reaching for the handle the ring glowed and I felt the pulsing sensation going away.

I opened the door and a strong gust of wind came from behind me and went inside the house and it opened the windows and  the wind cleared out most of the dust, leaves and webs. I coughed and cleared the air in front of me and covered my nose with my handkerchief.

I went into the house and I saw that it was quite big on the inside. On the right side were a chair and a small table along with a big bookshelf with some books. On the right side was a closet for brooms and stuff, I was not keen on opening it and finding spiders and stuff.

I walked into the house and I saw a living room of sorts. There was a fireplace on the left side of the house, on the right side was a dining table and a few broken chairs. Above the fireplace were some little trinkets and this room too had some books.

As I went in more I saw a room on the left side which was used as a kitchen which used coal and there were a few pots left. On the right side was another room and as I went closer to that room my ring pulsated again and as I opened the door it stopped.

I saw a bedroom filled with books and parchments and weird stuff like roots and dried stuff, including big cauldrons, pans and stuff. They were all laid down around the bed and on the bed was a note.

I picked it up and it said, "I don't have much to call my own, but whatever I have I leave it to you. You are the descendant of Thomas Graham. Since I didn't have children to whom I could leave all this and since you are here, I am sure you know about your heritage, so I only have a few things to say to you. 

First, never remove that ring, for as long as you stay in this town do not remove it or the wolf will attract you to the Nemeton, which is not good for anyone.

Second, Stay away from the Nemeton or its Jungle at all costs.

That is it, I don't have much else to say and if you meet Thomas say hi from me.

Have fun and take care of yourself.


Florian Deacon."

I shrugged and said, "He has a no-bullshit personality. I like it." I looked around and nodded and said, "Guess, I have an out house now… Nice."


I hope you liked the chapter, leave some comments if you did or didn't or tell me what should I change or add, throw some stones while you are at it and I will see you in the next one.