Ch. 29 Bow to the new King

After lunch, we had more classes like Biology and Calculus. But right now I was sitting on a bench inside the locker room and I continued to feel the death glares given by Scott. At this point it was getting annoying. I wanted to leave cause if I had to stay for long I feared Scott would create a scene.

But we had to wait since Coach had some announcement to make. I think it was about the captaincy of the team or something to do with the pink eye outbreak. I relaxed my head on the locker and waited. The coach came in and blew his whistle and said, "Alright, geniuses, listen up. People hurdled close to the coach, while I stayed and listened from far.

He said, "Due to the recent pinkeye epidemic, thank you, Greenberg. The following people have made the first line on a probationary basis, emphasis on the word "Probationary." Rodriguez"

People applauded, but it was scattered around the room, and I clapped to congratulate him as well. Coach said, "Welcome to first line. Taylor, and… ugh, for the love of crap. I can't even reed my own writing. What's that's an "S"? No, no, no that's not an "S" That's a… That's a… That's a"B" It's definitely a "B" Rodriguez, Taylor and Bilinski."

Stiles was happy he got up and cheered, and I clapped for him as well, and Coach said, "Bilinski."

He looked at him and coach said, "Shut up." People chuckled and he sat down.

Scott looked at Stiles and said, "Stiles."

But Stiles refuted him and said, "It's Biles call me Biles or I swear to god I will kill you."

But before Scott could say anything Coach made another announcement which kinda shook some people, "Another thing, from here on out, immediately, we are switching captains." The look of horror on Jackson's face was priceless he looked at Scott fearing he was the one who would be the captain, but then he looked at me and coach said, "Congratulations Monty, you are the new captain… I have high hopes for you."

Jackson looked at Coach and said, "What?"

Coach looked at him and took him inside his office, and they started talking and people came to congratulate me, Danny was the first one to do so and Stiles also came to congratulate me. He said, "Congrats man, happy for you." I nodded and said, "Thanks."

Scott then also got up, and I could feel his malicious intent, he smiled, but his eyes were cold like that of a killer, he removed his glove and put his hand forward, and he said, "congrats man." I put my hand forward with the glove, and he squeezed my hand. If the glove was not there, he would have broken my hand. I looked him in the eye and said in a cold tone, "That's enough."

He looked at me, and he let go of my hand and I shook my hand and I saw him smirk , and he left the locker room. Jackson got out of the office, and he stormed out the locker as well. Both of them are just fucking worst.

I got out the locker room and walked past Scott and Stiles, and they were arguing, they stopped when I passed by, but they started again. I walked past Lydia, and she looked at me and said, "Congratulations on becoming the captain."

I looked at her and said, "You having a fever? You alright?"

She looked at me and chuckled and said, "I am just trying to be nice, after all, Allison want's us to be friends."

I exhaled and said, "I would have been happy if it was genuine, but I am alright with it. Let's just try to start over on the right foot."

She smiled and said, "I would be happy~" I walked past her and I heard, "That bastard."

Stiles asked, "What, why are you always on about him? What did he do?"

Scott shook his head and said, "He is always with her, and he somehow smells like her, and she has a lingering smell of him." I checked myself and I do smell a little like her.

Stiles said, "They are friends man and besides he is a good guy." He then asked, "But what about the thing I asked of you?"

He said, "Can you just please see if she likes me?"

Scott exhaled and said, "Fine."

I stopped to hear it because it was a little interesting. But then I looked at myself and thought I really need to stop hanging out with Erica, what am I becoming? But I heard, "Hey, Lydia, can we talk for a second?"

She said, "Of course." They walked into the coach's office and I heard, "It's about that night? You need someone to talk to?"

Scott closed the door and said, "I just need to ask you something." He sighed and asked, "Do… do you know if Allison still likes me." His heart pounded… looks like he still hasn't given up on her.

Lydia said in a low tone in an almost gravely voice, "Of course she still likes you." He felt elated, he, and asked, "Really?"

Her heart raced, but she felt sad, and she said, "She'll always like you as friends…" Scott's heart sank, and she said, "She had already moved on, Scott."

Lydia said, "Well, if you ask me, of course, no one asks me… she made a big mistake." She wanted to say more, but Scott cut her off and asked, "Who?" Lydia seemed a little scared, and she said, "Who else but him… he has her wrapped around his finger. She doesn't even understand that you looked in there to save us. She should have been grateful to you."

Scott asked in a low tone, "Are you… grateful?"

Lydia slowly said, "I think you'd be pretty surprised how grateful I am."

She walked closer to him and I heard their heart beat going through the roof and I heard them making out. I left them and I walked into the field and sat down on the bench. After a while Stiles came and then Scott. Stiles asked him, "So?"

Scott said, "So what?"

Stiles said, "So did you ask her? Did she say anything? Did she say she likes me? Did she imply she likes me?"

Scott simply said, "Yeah, she likes you, she likes you a lot."

As everyone came, the coach started the practice, we were practicing how to break defense and all that crap. Danny was the goalie, Jimmy and Hunter were acting as defense. First turn was mine.

I took the ball and coach blew the whistle, and I was off. I ran off towards the goal, and they intercepted me and tried to tackle me, but I hopped back, and they brushed into each other and that gave me enough time to circumvent them and I moved past them and I reeled my stick back and twisted my back and released the ball. It went directly past Danny.

Coach said, "Brilliant finesse Monty, that our captain, try and keep up you schmucks."

I jogged to the back of the line, and as usual, I felt Scott's eyes putting holes in my back. The coach blew the whistle and said, "McCall, get your head in the game." His heart rate went fast, and he was angry he took the ball and coach blew the whistle, and he took off they tried to block him, but he tackled them both and put them on their asses and in the most vile way he attacked Danny with his stick and made the goal.

All of us rushed to Danny's side, and he was bleeding and Coach asked, "You alright?"

Jackson looked at Scott and I looked at Scott and I just wanted to murk his ass right now. Stiles got to him and asked, "What the hell, man?" The medics came and we cleared the way.

He said, "What? He is twice the size of me?"

Stiles said, "Yeah, but everyone likes Danny. Now everyone's going to hate you."

Scott scoffed and said, "Like I care."

Lydia came running and asked, "Oh my god, what happened? Is he okay?"

Jackson shook his head and said, "Yeah, it's just a bloody nose…" Jackson looked at Lydia and saw her lipstick was messed up, and Lydia asked him, "What?"

Jackson said, "Your lipstick."

Lydia quickly took out her compact and looked at herself and said, "Oh, huh, I wonder how that happened?" she fixed her lipstick and Jackson hummed and said, "Yeah, I wonder." These two are like made for each other.

I shook my head and looked away, and I saw Stiles looking at them, and he had his mouth open, it looks like he figured it all out.


I was in the forest, I was still waiting for her to come back. I took out the treat back and shook it and I said, "Ashley!" She didn't heed my call and I exhaled, but then I caught a smell, a totally unfamiliar smell. It got closer, and I saw a man, he was dressed in a long black jacket and his face was half burnt, and he smiled and said, "So this is what you look like, huh?"


Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter and I have like a little announcement my cousin's birthday is today so I don't think that I would be able to upload on Saturday.

With that said drop a comment if you liked this chapter and throw some stones while you are at it and I will see you on Monday. Bye.