Ch.40 Dancing naked.

I was in my room getting ready. Mom came home early to help Malia with the dress and the make-up. I wore the suite and tied my tie. I was styling my hair. My hair is too long. I would need to get a haircut soon. I roughly styled my hair with my hands. I went for a wavy hairstyle and it looked quite good with the suite. But I needed a watch.

I am not too big on watches, I usually use my phone for it. I walked to my cupboard and started looking through hoping to find something good and I found it. I took a box out. It was a wooden rectangular box. It was my grandpa's. He liked watches or so I am told. I opened it and I found many watches inside.

I picked up a watch that had a round golden dial with a bunch of names written on it and inside was silver with 24 hours. It was a world timer by Patek Philieppe. Gramps sure did have taste. I put that watch on my left hand.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I looked good. I left the room with my keys and I went to check up on Malia. I knocked on the door and mom asked, "What?"

I asked, "Ah, how long is it going to take? And Can you open the door?"

She said, "No and go away, we'll be there."

I sighed and said, "Fine." I went down stairs and sat down on the sofa. I called Erica to ask if she was ready or not? I called her and she picked it up and I asked, "You ready?"

She sounded in a hurry and said, "I am trying… my dress is just stupid… it's zipper is stuck."

I chuckled and she said, "Don't you laugh right now… do you know how hard it was for me to get a date?"

"Yeah but does your cousin count though?" She was fuming by now and I said, "I am just joking, come on, it's going to be good, take your time… we'll meet there."

She huffed and cut my call, "Bye."

I heard the door open and I looked at the stairs and my heart was beating a little faster. I had already seen her in the dress then why am I getting like this? Mom was walking her down the steps carefully. Malia wasn't used to dresses. The moment I saw her I was taken away again.

She was wearing that same emerald dress yet she looked so different from the last time. Her skin was radiant, her hair looked beautiful with that braid and she smelled so nice. I could hear my heart beating, no racing and I too heard her. She and mom walked toward me and I got up and she asked, "How is it?"

I shook my head and I wanted to speak yet the words felt heavy. I somehow said, "Beautiful." She smiled and nodded and said, "You too look beautiful." I chuckled and said, "Ah, shall we go now?"

She nodded but before we could mom stopped us and said, "Not before photos."

I shook my head and said, "Please mom, no."

She pulled out the camera and said, "No." She put us closer together and she said, "Now I promise to take less photos if you two give me good poses."

She wants poses… I am barely keeping myself together here. Mom then said, "Now Malia hold his arm." She tried to hold my arm but she didn't know in which way. Mom said, "Help her."

I looked at her and put my arm a little above and folded my arm a little and she put her hand through and held it. Mom said, "Perfect now say cheezee."

After that we had to go through a photo session. Mom is way too obsessed with it. After clicking about two dozen pictures she let us leave. We got to the car and I went ahead and opened the door for Malia, mom helped her tuck the dress in. She then hugged me and kissed on my forehead and said, "Have fun at the dance."

I smiled and said, "I will try."

She looked at me and said, "And remember to be home early and drive safely… and if you two do something please remember…."

I sighed and said, "Mom, please…" she chuckled and said, "Alright, have fun." I nodded and opened the door and got in the car. I started the car and it was playing, "Just the two of us." I revved the engine and we were away.

After like 15 minutes we reached the school and the party had started already. Music was playing and it took me a little while to find a parking spot. Some ass had taken mine. I got out of the car and opened her door and gave my hand to Malia. She took it and she held my hand and we walked inside the building.

The dance was at the gym. We walked inside and it was a little oddly decorated. It was something like dico. I think I don't understand the decoration at all. Malia looked at it all and it looked like she enjoyed the music. I looked at her and asked, "Want to dance?" She looked at me and said, "Yeah."

I took her hand and took her to the dance floor. The music was energetic and fun. We both started to move to the beat of the rhythm. She looked like she was having fun and for once I also just unwind and had fun. I didn't think about anything, it was just like it was me and her.

Then the music got slow and the lights dimmed and Malia looked at others and they were dancing closer to each other and she looked at me. I smiled and put my hand out. She grabbed my hand and I put one of her hands on my shoulder and I put my hand on her waist.

We started to dance but she didn't have the coordination for it. We kept bumping into people and she looked sad and I said, "Step on my shoes." She didn't understand but I nodded and she did so. We were so close to each other to feel each other's breath.Our heart pounded faster, they matched each other. It was hard but I controlled myself and started to move. It looked like we were dancing normally.

Looking into her eyes and feeling her close to me comforted me in a very different way even though my heart was about to burst out of my chest. I still felt at ease with everything and everyone just melted into the background.

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see and it was Erica. She was wearing a cute blue dress and I said, "Erica!, you made it." Malia shook her head and got off my shoes.

She hugged me and said, "Yeah and that too before you." she looked behind me and asked, "Where is Allison? Aren't you supposed to come with her? And who is this bombshell?"

I looked at her and said, "It's a long story and she is… a friend of mine from my old town." She looked at me and said, "Well go on, what's her name"

I looked at her and said, "Malia Jones." Malia looked at me but then looked at her and smiled and said, "Yeah, that's me Malia Jones… Nice to meet you Erica."

Erica looked at her and said, "It's nice to meet you as well."

I cleared my throat and said, "Let's grab something to eat. I am starving."

Erica looked at me and said, "Really now… How are you always hungry?"

I looked at her and said, "I'm a big man."

We all went ahead and grabbed something to eat and we all talked and I told her about why Allison couldn't make it and Erica was shocked she asked, "Did you go to see her?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah but her dad isn't letting me… or it's just that she doesn't want to. I don't know which it is…"

She hummed and said, "Maybe we should go to meet her together you know…"

I nodded and said, "That might help but right now… let's not just spoil the mood for others… let's just try and enjoy…"

She nodded, after we had some snacks we danced a little more and I told Erica to stay away from the punch. That thing reeked of alcohol. And I don't want to deal with a drunk girl tonight.

After spending hours dancing, clicking photos and drinking we finally left… We were the last ones to leave. We were in the car and Malia was looking out the window sticking her head out. Her hair blew in the wind and she had a smile on her face. I asked her, "Did you enjoy yourself today?"

She hummed and said, "I did…" She looked at me and said, "Thank you…"

I looked at her and said, "No need to thank me."

She shook her head and said, "There is if you did come into my life… I don't know I might still be stuck being a coyote."

I didn't want to ask this but I had to, I had to know if she wanted to. I asked her, "Malia, how did it all happen?"


Hey guys, I hope that you all liked the chapter. I have a few announcements to make they are more like updates of my situation.

My exams have been rescheduled so they are stretched out a little longer.

Second after my exams I will be busy with my visa interview and stuff.

So the month of July will also be a little tough. I am sorry to you all but there is nothing I can do about it. I do hope you all understand.