CHAPTER 7- Unexpected Truth

Gathering the books, Aphrodite went to her room and place the box on her reading table.  She began to glance through the book on gods. She got a paper, ink and feather and began to write some features of gods of life at , a point she got tired and just then a page of light opened and she heard a voice speaking from the book.

            '~in life we have to live by love. love is an element that guard all other elements and every realm, because for Life to come there has to be a stage of love making. love is everything princess.'~

     Then the book close, she tried opening it again but all efforts failed . Then she opened the next book on goddess ,once again she search for goddess of wisdom but the only word that was on that page was 'philosophy' she got frustrated and blurted out "philosophy' and then the voice again.

               '~yes philosophy. Well all I can tell you princess is philosophy means we 'love of wisdom' but the rest my lady is up to you to acquire more knowledge on. I am always at your service princess.~'

         And again the book closed, but this time she didn't bother opening the book again.  From all she heard the only key world was 'love' . wait those that mean she is the goddess of love ? she got angry and began to throw all the books on the floor and every other thing on  the table . she broke some glasses .

       "After all these years ,all I get to be is the goddess of love. No wonder no one ever bothered telling me because I am not as special as others . I am just  useless ." Aphrodite broke down and began to cry . Alot of things came through her mind, she even wanted to end her life because weak goddess is as good as a powerless being . Later she got tired and weak and eventually fell asleep.

      The next morning when she woke up ,she felt her headache from all the stress last night. Her maid came into her room to give her a shower and they also brought her breakfast in bed. She told them to go away and also take them meal with them ,she needed some time alone but they didn't listen to her instead they left the food and left her room.

     When she could finally get up, she got ready for the day but she didn't have appetite so she only took an apple and went to the garden where her aunty was waiting for her she didn't even greet her aunty . "So what's so special about me if all I get is a stupid books telling me I am a goddess of love or wait I see I am the only royal family who is a powerless being. Just wonderful" before she could even continue talking her aunty interrupted        

      " That's enough Aphrodite. Do you think you are not special being a goddess of love is something which words alone cannot explain . For years now there has been no goddess of love". breaking down into tears her auntie said "come and sit down over here". After she took her sit on the white swing . Her aunty took a deep breath and began to remember .

      "The gods and goddesses of love where the most beautiful and fantastic things that ever lived.   Everything about them was perfect but some things are too perfect or too good to be real but one day everything changed as well we all know .

    A day came when that something so good, pure and wonderful changes into an unexpected event ,when the most powerful god of love 'Eros' got so obsessed about someone and use his powerful evil ." Tears  began to drop from her eyes . He seduced someone and he made love to her, but what he didn't understand was that the combination of their powers will bring nothing but endless suffering.

      Ever since the king your father got to know ,he got furious and also the other kingdoms who hated love also got to know they all decided to have a conference meeting where they all agreed to eliminate every power of Love . But your father didn't realize he had made the worst mistake. His decision had been the reason why lovemaking was no longer a thing of feeling, rather it is now a thing of creating powers either good or bad."

     "But now all that's gone change"