CHAPTER 10- Last Wish

"Catch that bird." King Thanatos said.

   The guards carried out their bows and arrows and began to fire towards the eagle, but all went in vein. They all try their best but the eagle still escaped. One of the guard went to inform the king about the tragedy, the king was so furious all his plan will be shattered.

    The eagles flew until it reached his destination. "Mr Birdy any information about those pest."

    You do know I have a name right and that is Ameel and about the information, the forces of evil are ready to take down forces of life or good and that to on your little misses birthday."Ameel said.

    They may plan all they like , but they also do not know what's coming.


  The next morning Aphrodite two hand maids came to get her ready but she was already up. She was in the garden admiring the Rose flowers , then she saw a furry cute white bunny . When she got closer it ran away , she wanted to Chase it then someone called her name so she retired back to her room.

    "Good morning princess, your auntie said to inform you that she will be late this morning, so she would see you later ." Hera said

   "Okay then, is breakfast ready cuz I am really starving." Aphrodite said

   "Yes princess. You will be having some pancakes with honey and some roasted beef with your favourite cup of tea this morning. If I may leave now, I have to finish my chores my princess."

   Aphrodite permitted her and then she went to look for her bunny friends, but he had already left. "what a pity" she said.


The king and queen were having their breakfast at their garden when Enyo walked in with a sad face:-(.

   "What is wrong sister."  The queen said.

  "I have failed and I have disappointed you my queen and King." Enyo said.

   "What do you mean, you have not done anything . What is the matter?". The queen said.

   "Apophis is back". The king and queen dropped their tea and stood up in shock, the Queen began to worry as so many thoughts flooded her mind at the moment.

  "How is this possible, I thought he was dead and why is he back now when there has been nothing but joy in our land." The king said.

   Queen Anthena walked up to Enyo who was in tears and wiped her tears. She knew Enyo  was cursing herself already, so she held her hands in her's.

  "The time has come Enyo". The king together with Enyo gave the Queen a confused look. "Enyo today I will be making my last wish to you." The queen said.

  "What do you mean, you can't leave me . I can't do it sister". Enyo said.

  "I want you to guard Aphrodite with all your heart , be there for her, teach her what she needs to know. When she finally wants to get married , be like a mother and tell her all she needs to know, when she wants to go for Mission,be by her side and be her guide and her her watchmen. Love her and when she is finally ready and strong enough, take her to the great walls. I trust you and that is why I am giving you Aphrodite as your responsibility. Her journey has just began and now she has to make the move from being an ordinary pawn to being a   queen on the chessboard.

   "My time is over here, if I leave any further our enemies will still be wise and plot plans against us.  If I wisdom dies, then it will be hard for them to succeed. I have to make this decision to keep her safe for a while. Without wisdom a player will play the game carefree and end up losing."

   "Whenever she feels down, I will be there to guide her. I trust you Enyo, please do not let me down and always remind her that I love her and love controls all."