Chapter 16 Peace before a storm R–18

Let's go inside.

WARNING: please read at your discretion and if you are not a fan of R–18 or you are too young to handle please skip, don't worry this chapter of the story would not be really connected to the story so you would not miss anything

     On our way to our quarters my second in command , stopped me to inform me of their progress in the upcoming war. I allowed Anthena go inside as she was already irritated by the sudden interruption . To be honest while the commander was speaking I was not really listening I had something else waiting for me other than the war.

★★★In the room★★★

★★★Anthena's POV★★★

    While waiting for Apollo to come back, I decided to give myself some little touches. When I looked at the mirror I Began to think of myself 20 years ago, I had realised that a lot has changed within this time and all is suddenly ending, at least before I leave this life let me pay my rights to my husband.

    The door opened and Apollo entered into the room, without giving him a minute or second to breathe I ran towards him and without hesitation I pulled him by his collar of his shirt and he held my waist then we continued from where we stop. Apollo started sucking my lower lips then leaving it at intervals.

   "". This gave me an unexplainable pleasure. I began to use my tongue to gently lick his lower and upper lips before sucking it. Apollo used his tongue to tease mine which made me chuckle a little. "You never did change your playfulness did you? ". I whispered to him .

"why would I changed when I know how much you enjoyed it". Apollo said.

    It was true that I enjoyed it. Apollo began to suck my tongue. "Hmmm". I felt something beginning to grow inside me . It was the intensity of the kiss having its effects.

  Apollo left my lips and began to suck my earlobe that was my most ticklish part and just by him sucking it sent waves to my body that made me burn for him. He began to go down my neck then used his hands to unknot my cloth . when he was done my dress fell off with ease I was left with only my undergarments.

   It was not fair that I was in my undergarments and he still had his clothes on, so I removed his coat and began to unbutton shirt he's well muscular chest began to peep out. We might have been married for so long and lovemaking wasn't new but everyday his body seemed to amaze me. I use my fingers to tiptoe on  his abs ,then he began to pop his abs which made me blush. I looked at his face and saw his huge grin on.

    "Is that how you want to play it". I said. Every one has a weak point and I was going to his weak spot. I removed the button on his trouser/pant and zipped it down and it fell off. I could see Apollo's manhood stand at attention. I gave him a naughty look and he said "I surrender. " I removed his undergarment and his huge manhood was now visible. I knelt down to begin my work as Apollo sat on the bed. I used my hands to slide up and down of his manhood slowly. I could see him close his eyes and sighed in pleasure, so I inserted it into my mouth and began to suck it with force. " Anthena ". He said rather with pleasure. I began to move in and out with my mouth and then I decided to lick the tip of his manhood. "" He said at intervals . I sucked his manhood until his hot liquid gushed into my mouth.


  Hm..ah..him..oh that feels good. Hi dear reader it looks like you would have to go to chapter 17 to continue. Don't forget to vote, comments, follow, like, share and what have you. Say no to piracy. I love you all my LIJAGOC family.

Please note that love is just a game of chess is not a sex story so please consider that these chapters are to get more followers thanks.