Chapter 18 - Amend me/Announcement

The  tailor

★★★Anthena POV★★★

     The knight had come to inform us that it was time to announce Aphrodite coming of age, it was a tradition that the eldest or a senior family member announces it. My body felt heavy and sore because of the activity we just embarked on so Apollo ordered that the tailor be brought at once.

     In our realm a tailor is a person who has the power to amend/repair anything i.e not just garment but even injuries and so many things. He also asked for the healer so that they could heal my weakness and sore. We both wore our robs to avoid been seen naked.

   When the tailor and healer came in they led me to my quarters to get ready.

  ‡‡‡In the queens quarters‡‡‡

First i took a bath to get rid of sweats and wetness from my garden, next they massage my body with some lotion . The healer touched my swollen lips and it came back to normal and thereafter my earlobe. She also held my hand and head to get rid of the pain and weakness.

  The tailor began to fix my makeup and hair, she allowed my hair to fall down while using some loosely braided strands at the left ear and right ear to tie it at the middle, leaving a spot for my crown.

   After all the repairs and healing

, my personal maid brought in my dress for the announcement which was a forest green gown with gold embroidery threads, with some floral ornaments on the tip most part of the gown.

  When I was done Apollo was waiting for me outside my quarters to walk me to the hall for the announcement.

★★★Aphrodite's POV★★★

     I decided to wear a cream white dress for my announcement which has gold ornament on it , that made it exquisite. After I was done ,I was to walk hand in hand with my parents as they make the announcement. I felt nervous a little so i told the heart render to make my heart stable in the hall.

   Daddy and mummy were both waiting for me outside my room. I walked our of my room and my parents both congratulated me" congratulations on your coming of age our little Darling ".

I was to walk in between my parent as we proceed into the hall. «here comes nothing i said to myself. When the big hall door opened , I saw the big hall filled with highly ranked gods and goddesses ,commanders,knights,all in all they were many intimidating people and I felt like the ground should just open up and swallow me up. Mum noticed my change of expression and she whispered to me saying" all will be fine dear just imagine them in baby clothing." Thus made me giggle but also brave.

   When we reached the throne, dad said "silence " with an authoritative tone and everywhere became grave silent.

"Today i give to you all princess Aphrodite the first princess of the kingdom of life and the crown princess to the  throne as she has now come of age." Dad said in a proud  tone

  Everyone cheered and clapped "congratulations" one said.

"Wow the princess is more fascinating than I thought " another said. They were compliments from all directions.

    "Thank you everyone I really appreciate . I am delighted to make your acquaintance" I said and then went back to my quarters to get ready for my masquerade ball.


    All good things surly come to an end for sure. Read chapter 19 to get the juice out of the coconut. Don't forget to comment , like, vote,follow,gift tokens and what have you. I love toy my LIJAGOC family.