Rachel Caesar

So, Galen sighed deeply, and took the high road.

"I can't say that I am not disappointed in you, but I guess there's no point in staying mad."

The apprentice had been expecting a full on mental breakdown from the president. But his shock knew no bounds when he heard those words come out of his mouth. He dared to lift up his gaze to look the old man in the face, just to see if he was being toyed with. He wasn't.

"I-I- don't know what to say Galen. Thank yo-"

The old man stared at him blankly.

"Hold your thanks mister. I still haven't decided on what to do with you yet, and you're definitely not scoring any points with me."

The apprentice took the hint and kept his mouth shot.

"But in the main time, I am allowing you to hang around campus for a few more days. I have a lot on my plate right now, especially with the tournament at hand. That being said, you can make yourself useful to me in that regard."