chapter 206

Zavier was clearly trying to get him to get him to play hardball. Lowering his gaze, he eyed Zavier suspiciously;

"I get it Zavier, I clearly have a lot to lose if this ever gets out. So why don't you tell me what you want in exchange for your silence?"

"Well, if you put it like that, you make this whole thing look transactional."

"Just tell me what you want, I get it."

Zavier highly doubted that Harry had the power to handle his problems right now. his problems were on a cosmic scale and could only be fixed by a divine hand. But there was one thing in particular that had been on his mind for quite some time now. Zavier couldn't deny that the moment was perfect for it. He coughed sparingly, and then proceeded with the shakedown of this very important man;

"You saw what happened on the battlefield a couple of hours ago right?"