
Chapter 12 (Twelve). Rules


Emelia skipped happily on the road, her chest filled with paper bags filled to the brim with popcorns.

"It has the perfect combination taste, now I know why Reo said popcorns were a must!" ,commented Emelia as she snuck one popcorn into her mouth.

After savoring the delicacy, she turned her head to take a short glance at her back.

Behind her, four zombies followed. The four of them were deliberately chosen amongst many.

The zombie who carried her umbrella did not rot nor have injuries around his body, he basically looked human if not for his green skin and slightly sluggish movement.

Similarly, the rest were like the former. Clean and free of dirt.

Emelia chose them carefully as she did not want to have germs contaminate the popcorns and snacks she had let them help her carry, and most importantly, she could not bear having her umbrella stained with impurities...

"Good. Nothing is missing." Emelia stated as she shifted her gaze around before turning her head to look straight at her path.

It did not take long for them to arrive at the building where she had previously told Reo to sit by and wait.

However, the zombies could not fly unlike her husband.

"Oh dear, I forgot you four are not a flying undead. You four should go and walk up the stairs and we'll meet in the top floor. Remember, you cannot touch anyone when you enter, you may not feast on a survivor, you mustn't eat when you are inside. You four should remain pristine, if not you will be punished." Emelia instructed.

"gruhl." The zombies nodded at her words.

Emelia showed a satisfied smile. She had successfully gathered the food and snack she was told to get and learned more knowledge in the cinema. Moreover, it did not take her a long time to return, though, in her opinion.

Emelia took the umbrella from the zombie who carried it for her and replaced it with a few paper bags filled with popcorn to ease her movement.

She was now currently holding a large packet of assorted popcorn in one hand while her umbrella on the other.

The umbrella shut close for an abrupt second before opening in a flash— The object started to define gravity as Emelia flew up swiftly into the air and she arrived quickly on the top floor.

"Emelia, you've finally returned." Reo looked at his wife who had finally arrived and felt his worry disperse.

He had to admit that Emelia's training in the past carved this concern into him, the raven haired woman could not be simply carelessly trusted when out on errands and for a walk.

Reo slaunched back and sprawled his legs on the floor, he grunted in distress as he begin to think of what commotion Emelia would cause. "What took you so long..."

He had already trusted her fully hearted each time and in return—... Reo sighed as he knew deep inside that something 'not' simple would occur someday.

"I'm very happy you're concerned of my being, Reo-kun."

Emelia smiled, fazed by the discovery of even the shallow trace of worries in Reo's voice.

She shaked the popcorn in her hand. "I went to get some popcorns!" She answered.

Reo continued to stare at her.

Emelia quickly knew what his gaze meant. She closed her umbrella and said, "It took me quite a while to know where the theater is. So, I found this guy who was in the brink of death and made a deal with him."

"Then?",asked Reo as he waited for her to continue.

"When he first saw me, he defined me as the Goddess of Death. Then, he wondered if I could help him leave his single status but I replied I was married."

Reo pursued his lips. His expression unreadable. "He wanted to court you?"

"En." Emelia nodded.

"He was upset, so I decided to make an agreement that I would save him from death and even give him a little gift if he would let me know where the cinema is located. Thus, he was revived and I have popcorns in my arms." Emelia smiled.

"...He's still alive?" Reo questioned.

"Not quite. He's in a middle of 'failed' evolution of being a half zombie man." Emelia replied.

"And...You gave him?"

"Powers. That's right, powers. He's more like a contracted disciple." Emelia curled her lips as she glanced at the blackening expression on Reo.

"..." Reo turned silent.

"What's wrong Reo-kun?" Emelia cupped her cheeks as she stared at Reo.

Reo rubbed his brows together, "This feeling is very unpleasant."

"Right~" Emelia chuckled. "Now you know what I felt. But I'm pretty sure mine was worse."

"...However, Emelia. You've gone against Earth's rules once more. We've never even asked for permission from the Earth's guardian, yet you've already planted a disaster." Reo looked at Emelia with his eyes full of concern and resignation.

"Ah? I have. Oh my, I was never an Earth's occupant to begin with so I bluntly have no idea on what rules should be followed." As Emelia said this, she glanced at the empty space on her left.

And silently and secretly, the system Reo was binded to which had previously told him that it would be gone to visit somewhere, appeared behind Reo's back.

But it was no longer of a rectangular shape but now with a form of a dog. It looked at the couple with a strange expression as it tumbled to look around.

[...Why are these two so good...] It whispered as it looked at Reo who was also looking at Emelia's left.

He still had the same expression of thinking on how to solve this issue, but the system already saw on how the his eyes have reflected a strange interference floating in mid air that had perfectly levitated on Emelia's left.

Seeing the contents that was akin to a group chat and a few members calling themselves Guardians (blue), Reo retracted his gaze and told Emelia. "Emelia, it is unsafe to freely distribute a part of your power to a nobody, you must take it back."

Emelia also refracted her gaze, "Okay."