"Mitch! You're cheating!"
I hear a chorus of shouts and groans coming from the tent we've been temporarily biletted to until we're assigned a cohort in the morning. I'm pretty sure I am breaking all kinds of rules being here instead of on my patrol but seeing as I'm an untrained cadet who doesn't even know how to raise the alarm and also seeing that there are about twelve other folk on patrol I think no great harm will come from my disappearance.
It took me a little while to decide what to do. At first I wasn't sure I should tell anyone. In the past I've learned the lesson over and over that the second your trust is given away, that's when it's broken in bits and you've lost another secret.
But I remembered the way we toasted each other by firelight and the way that Sam and Isabel have been at my side through thick and thin so far. I don't think I can do any of this alone. So.