Chapter 40: In prison

My cell is comfortable for what it is. I expected a damp hole with bars and no light, or maybe a cage. I expected to be starved and beaten but instead the room is tidy and clean, the bed is hard but not dirty and there are three very simple meals a day.

It's almost comfortable. I'm not sure whether I should be encouraged by this or saddened that it's better than my own father used to treat me.

"I'll send missives to my father," Isabel says, stalking back and forth outside the one door into my living quarters. It is all bars, too close together for me to slip through. I lounge on my bed watching her pace and a warmth flutters in my chest every time she glances at me with that mingling of worry and rage in her eyes.

My only friends in the world are perhaps the most powerful beings in this camp and they are spending so much of their time trying to save my life. They still want me. That makes me cry a little on very lonely nights.