Chapter 49: I live to hear you laugh

The journey back outdoors feels as though it takes forever. Dusk is falling and the sky is lighting the jagged crystals around the strange eerie building that started the world as we know it into peaches and reds.

I walk slowly enough that I’m lagging behind with Chrissy as she pokes through the ruins. She’s fascinated by everything she sees. I’m pretty sure that Sandmen must tell more stories about the old times because she seems a lot less confused than I feel by many of the things around us.

I’m pretty sure I catch a glimpse of her hiding something away around her body but I don’t say anything about it. It’s probably another book she’s found.

The air outside still smells like death and fire, but I suck it gladly into my lungs anyway. I’ve never been so glad to step outside in my life. Isabel, Mitch and Sam have plowed into the surrounding battlefield and are already helping people out from under fallen creatures.