Mr kim :- okok! And tomorrow be in the base on time! The camp will start remember!

Tae-hyung:- ok dad ...

Mr kim:- what's wrong with him? in such a hurry?

Now Tae-hyung, Jung-kook and J-hope left to go to hospital and were in car right now..

In the hospital

Y/n pov.

Y/n:- police will be here in ½hour I guess!

Ji-min :- yeah! Now let's go for the meeting

In meeting there were all the members of their department

They were discussing about all the patients conditions with the professor ( the senior doctor)

After 15 minutes someone knocked the door of the room

Professor:- come in

Many new doctors ( like y/n) ,interns and some nurses came in and sat back side

Professor:- there is an announcement

Our hospital has arranged a camp for new doctors, specifically the one with experience of less then 3 years, interns and few new and experienced nurses... in this camp you will be trained for rescuing and many other things... it has a duration of 15 to 16 days ..

A intern (kai):- professor where will be stay during this time?

Professor:- the hospital will arrange a dormitory in the base itself! Any other questions

Y/n:- professor we are having patients! What about them?

Professor:- hospital will manage it ! And yes it will start from tomorrow! Tomorrow you guys will have to work for half day ! Then you can go home and bring your luggage at the assigned place!...

Ji-min:- professor everything will be arranged by hospital?

Professor:- yes!...ok so that's all now everyone can go back to your work! Ji-min & y/n stay back please

Everyone went!

Professor:- what is the condition of that young girl?

Ji-min :- professor the things with her don't seem to be in good terms!

Professor:- why?

Y/n:- she had burns,cuts ! All were very severe! And yes we doubt if she was raped!

Professor:- it is severe! Do one thing go to Dr suga and explain him the condition of the girl ! Let him take over this case! Because you guys are going to camp so it will not be possible for you to come back to give your statement to police about the condition of that girl

Ji-min :- ok professor! We will get going now!...

While walking

Ji-min:- you want me to pick you up tomorrow to go to the assigned place?

Y/n:- umm! Ok !

They were passing through recipients office

The recipient: Dr y/n! Please come here!

Y/n :- *looks at her*coming! Ji-min can you explain the condition of the girl alone?

Ji-min:- yeah I can! You go to your work

Y/n: ok they I will be get going

Y/n went to recipient!

Recipient:- Dr y/n there were 3 men who told that they wanted to change the dressing of there wound, and you called them so I let them wait in your cabin!

Y/n:- (it must be Jung-kook, Tae-hyung and J-hope oppa) ok thank you! 😊

Y/n went to her cabin and saw them sitting on the couch in your cabin

Jung-kook:- here you are Dr y/n

Y/n:- well yes I am!😂

J-hope:- Dr y/n you look good in doctor's coat! Isn't it Tae-hyung

Tae-hyung:- ahh ! Ah that ! Yes yes look good!

Y/n:- let's change the dressing! J-hope oppa come!


Y/n:- you guys please sit on the chair there points to the chair near here!

Y/n went to the couch!

J-hope takes off his t-shirt

Y/n removes the before put dressing cloth and changes it by the new one after cleaning the wound

Y/n:- does it make you uncomfortable? Or is it hurting a lot?

J-hope:- no no its all good!

Y/n:- ok then oppa you can go and sit in Jung-kooks place and Jung-kook come here...

Jung-kook:- ok!

Jung-kook sits near y/n

Y/n opens the dressing

Y/n:- oh God it is bleeding

Jung-kook: huh?

Y/n:- did you get hit?

Jung-kook:- no! And I don't even feel the pain!

Y/n:- that creeps! Not at all hurting?

Jung-kook:- it hurts when I touch it otherwise it is almost invisible pain

Y/n:- ok wait i will clean it

Y/n uses some cotton to clean the wound!And then dressed it again

Y/n:- I think you should be more careful! It may bleed more

Jung-kook:- ok Dr y/n