Chapter 19: Quest for Spring

From the Fairy God Queen’s hand, a golden mirror beamed like a stroke of lightning. Its handle was made from golden leaves. These leaves also skirted the edges of the reflecting glass. She looked at herself into it as she brushed her hair.

She returned her attention to Larson’s group. “This Sacred Treasure holds the key in unlocking the seal within souls.”

Larson fixed his eyes on the shining object. “A Sacred Treasure, huh?”

“Ooohh… Shiny!” Nyatalia was entranced.

“W-will it make me look prettier?” Merlize thought. “I hope Larson finally notices me.”

The tribal girl saw a vision of him and herself locking hands, whispering sweet-nothings at each other. Then a kiss planted on her nose while she indulged under his arms. Flowers of love rained down on them. Then the sun gleamed brighter, burning her eyes. Merlize snapped back to reality.

“Hmm… would it suffice as payment?” Edwin pondered deeply. “I couldn’t return to the oracle empty-handed.”