Chapter 7: Dinner Party

Mikki had no idea of why she behaved the way she did with Max at the rose garden a few days before, and the longer she thought about it, the more she felt embarrassed.

If she didn’t want him to think she was some spoiled princess, she started on the wrong foot. She couldn’t fall for every little tease of his. He seemed to have a humorous personality, and he learned how to get on her nerves way too easily, which only made her frustrated.

Why was it so hard for her to interpret his actions? The fact that he provoked her like that, without even knowing her, made her wonder so many things. Why would he do that on purpose? What did he want to get from her? Was this a way to flirt with women?

Maybe she should ask some of her maids. They would definitely know a thing or two to share with her. She didn’t want to feel like an idiot every time she was around him. It wouldn’t do her self-esteem any good.

“Mik? Can I come in?” Fitz’s voice came from the other side of the door.

She had just finished zipping up her dress, while Aleta went to the Royal Room to get her crown. She was supposed to use one for her Wedding Announcement Dinner.

“Yes, come in,” she replied, sitting in front of her dressing table and looking at her image in the mirror.

“Wow, you look stunning, sis,” Fitz said, closing the door and sitting on her bed, bluntly. “Guess Max won’t be having any regrets tonight.”

She turned to him, narrowing her eyes at his statement.

“Why would he have any regrets? He was the one who started this in the first place. I didn’t ask him to marry me,” she said bitterly. She didn’t care if she was being unreasonable. She was still mad at him for being so arrogant the other day, and she didn’t feel like acting graciously when it came to him.

“Wow! I guess what they say is true,” Fitz raised his arms in surrender. “You’re already acting like a bride alright.”

“Shut up,” she muttered.

“Mikki, I didn’t know which crown you’d like to use, so I brought—” Aleta came in holding one crown on each hand, and Fitz got up, courteously. “Oh, forgive me, Your Highness. I didn’t know you were here.”

Fitz widened his bright smile, and Mikki felt sorry for Aleta. He really was a charming man, she couldn’t deny it. Poor Aleta’s heart, she thought.

“Please, Aleta. You don’t need to be so polite with me,” he said, looking from her to Mikki again. “I just came to tell Mikki that we are just waiting for her. Max is already here,” he concluded.

Mikki started to feel nervous all of a sudden. It wasn’t supposed to be a big deal, at least that’s what she was repeating to herself the whole week.

It’s just dinner, she told herself. Nothing more than that. Of course, after tonight, everyone from the Royal House pack and their allies would know that the princess was engaged, but other than that, she should just pretend it was nothing more than just a meal amongst family.

“I’ll be down in a minute,” she replied, straightening herself on her chair so Aleta could place the crown she picked on her head without messing up her hairstyle. “Thanks, Aleta.”

Her maid friend bowed unnecessarily, and left the room, leaving Fitz and Mikki alone. Mikki felt like trying to talk to Fitz one more time about her, but this just wasn’t the right time. She would have to find another opportunity, although her remaining time at the palace was short.

“Can we go?” Fitz asked, waiting for her like a real gentleman. He knew how to behave like a Prince when he really had to. He was a man of many sides indeed.

Mikki nodded and took a last look in the mirror before she left. Her dark green dress contrasted very nicely with her green eyes and light hair, and her crown was something she was actually really proud of. It belonged to her mother ever since she became a Luna, and Mikki had a special attachment to it.

She could say she was content with the way she looked tonight, worthy of a princess, and she hoped the night would pass nicely without any hassle.

If it only was that easy, she thought a while later.

Max behaved like nothing had happened between them a few days before. In fact, he was acting extremely cool and nonchalantly in front of her, even attempting to make a joke or two, inducing everyone on the table to laugh.

Then, he, Fitz and Ace started to talk about stories from when they went into war with other packs, making Don extremely excited to listen, and Mikki completely bored. Why was it that men always liked to talk about boring things, she wondered. Couldn’t they see that there was a woman on the table that was not impressed at all by their remarks?

Not that she didn’t appreciate the fact that the men were more than willing to fight to provide for their families and packs, but this could be something to be discussed out of the table, in a moment where there wasn’t any woman around. It was a bit impolite of them to talk about such graphic adventures, to say the least.

She cleared her throat, trying to remind them that she was still there.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Mikki. I guess this shouldn’t be a conversation for us to have in front of you,” Ace wisely pointed out.

She raised her brows at him, as a sign of asking him ‘You think?’, but she didn’t want to act all childish in front of Max again.

Mikki could feel his eyes on her from the other side of the table, but she used all her strength not to look in his direction.

She grabbed her glass of wine and took a sip, trying to think of a different topic to be talked about. But Fitz apparently had the same idea.

“You know, Max,” he started, and Mikki stared at him like a lynx. Somehow, she knew whatever he had to say wouldn’t be good. “I feel like you’ll regret your decision at some point in the future, but we need to do our job correctly. Right, boys?” He looked at Don and Ace, seeking some moral support. Ace smiled and took a sip from his own glass, while Don nodded his head firmly.

“Of course, go ahead.” She heard Max saying, but she still didn’t dare to look at him. She tried to remember why she was so mad at him, with him being so handsome and sweet in front of her.

Perhaps the wine was starting to have some effect on her. She was not used to drinking that much, but the occasion tonight asked for it, so she thought she could make an exception. But now she was starting to regret it.

The intensity coming from the other side was very hard to ignore. She wanted to look at him, but she knew that the moment she did it, she’d catch those blue eyes stuck on her, and she was more than sure she wouldn’t be able to handle it, especially being drunk.

“Even though our Mikki here can be really annoying sometimes,” Fitz continued, and she grasped her wine glass firmly, taking deep breaths so she wouldn’t toss it on his face. “You know, she’s our sister and we won’t make any excuses for you if you hurt her. I don’t care if you’re friends with the King, but, well… I think even the King himself would agree with me, right?” He looked at Ace with his brows raised.

Ace nodded and put his glass on the table.

“Yes, we had a similar conversation before and I made that very clear to him,” Ace replied. “I won’t make it easy for him just because he’s my friend. Mikki is my priority, and he’s well aware of that. Aren’t you, Max?”

Mikki could feel her heart beating so fast that she was afraid that everyone around her could hear it. It wouldn’t be that hard for them to catch it with their senses, so she only hoped they weren’t paying too much attention to her right now.

“I am,” Max said with a serious voice. So serious that it made Mikki finally look at him. “And I can promise all of you that this is far from my intention. I’d never do such a thing. Especially to Mikki,” he confessed.

Those big sapphires were now on her, and Mikki could only appreciate the fact that she was seated. Otherwise, her legs would have definitely failed her.

What did he mean by that? Especially to her? Was that supposed to mean something or was she just overthinking again?

“That's good to know,” Fitz commented, going back to his entertaining usual self. “The Auclair wrath is well-known around. Come on, Don. Let's take a drink tonight. We will turn a blind eye for you just this once. Let’s make a toast.” Fitz handed his younger brother a glass and raised his own. “To Max and Mikki!”

Mikki joined them, but she couldn’t pay much more attention than that, since she couldn’t stop replaying Max’s words over and over inside her head.