Chapter 38: Acting for the First Time

Mikki had no idea how many hours had passed since she was put in that room, but she knew she was hungry and weak.

Farkas sent someone to offer her a very dubious plate of food at some point, but Mikki decided not to eat it, no matter how hungry she was. She didn’t trust him, and she didn’t trust anything that came from him.

As far as she was concerned, he could drug her food, put a spell on her or anything of that sort. She didn’t want to risk it.

She didn’t realize when she fell asleep, and when she did, she had several nightmares, one worse than the other.

A turmoil could be heard very far away, getting louder and louder, despite the distance and the numerous barriers around her.

The room she was kept only had one door and a small barred window, if she could even call it that.

Mikki opened her eyes and enhanced her hearing. The noise wasn’t in her dream like she thought at first. It was actually outside, and she sat straight on the bed, trying to hear what was happening.