The Clown

"Where are we?" 

Yu Yan questioned as soon as they appeared in the unfamiliar surroundings with no-one around. It was dark and damp, not to mention the coldness growing there.

" P-Princess, I had already warned you not to trust this mage. I don't know where this place is and where the mage?" 

Chu annoyingly questioned holding Yu Yan's hand closely. Except the darkness and some rocky surfaces she couldn't see anything. When one possessive hand grabbed Yu Yan and whispered," Don't make any noise. We are in the main palace's dungeon of Xia."


Her mouth was palmed by his cold hand as he dragged her back from one large piller. His eyes were glowing green and letting him see in the dark. Unfortunately Chu Hua was left behind and she started sobbing which frustrated Foix. 

"You did so wrong while keeping your maid with you!" 

"Don't comment on her! Help her quickly!" 

"I swear I'm not going to accept any other orders after this!"