
"Who am I? I am a monster hunter_" 

Don't you know that, he murmured as he drew closer to Jace Smirnov? 

"Please don't get any closer. N-No, Y-You are not human, you monster." In fear, Jace crept backwards. 

"Where are you going?" He dragged him by his legs towards him. 

"N-No, someone help me_" 

"Adrik murmured in his ear, "No one's coming for rescue, and_ ``''SPASH! He bit him on the neck. 

Adrik regained consciousness and stepped away from Jace, who was laying fainted nearby. 

"Why do I have to be like this? I don't want to bite a human! It's the most depressing reality about me, I detest myself even more, and he emptied all of his pistol's bullets in Jace's brain in a blink of seconds. 

Adrik was enraged and in agonising pain. He transforms into a beast whenever he sees blood and bites whoever it is. His self-control is eroding, and he can no longer keep himself from transforming into a beast.