Going up the mountain together?

"Raina." Call Gamma idly, afraid Raina daydreaming.

You see, the girl from earlier only diem makes Gamma feel lonely, invited to chat or what eh this is even silent, Gamma will be upset himself.

It's not Raina who doesn't want to invite Gamma to chat, see for yourself that Gamma is driving a motorcycle so it's impossible for Raina to invite chat later that there is a mass of falling down.

Raina let Gamma focus on the road ahead, anyways Raina is also busy looking at the surrounding scenery while breathing the fresh morning air.

She rarely goes out in the morning unless there is a morning class or accompany her mother to the market.


The helmet worn by Raina accidentally nudged the helmet worn by Gamma when the girl wanted to get closer to Gamma, Raina was afraid that the guy couldn't hear her voice if he didn't get closer.

"Ouch. Yes? What's up?"

Gamma chuckled for a moment and then smirked, "huh? No, I'm just calling you. I'm afraid you're daydreaming. I've noticed you've been quiet, What Are you looking at, Rain?"

Gamma's hands were busy balancing the motorcycle he was driving but the guy's eyes were busy looking at the road with Raina through the rearview mirror.

Love Boy! How dare to steal a look at the turn of wet ketangkep even his heart beats fast hehe.

Raina smiled at Gamma's answer, she knew Gamma must have called her not without intent, Raina had been silent and didn't invite Gamma to chat no wonder the guy felt Raina was silent, "I didn't dream really, so calm down. I was looking at the scenery there was really good views of the mountains." Point Raina towards the scenery she calls beautiful.

"Have you ever been up the mountain?" Asked Raina.

"Hiking you mean?"

"Yes." Reply Raina quickly.

Gamma shook his head behind his fullface helmet, "Eever. Have you ever been up the mountain?"

Raina grinned at the horse, "Ehehe never, but my mother and father used to go hiking together."

"Wahh...it must be really exciting plus going up the mountain with a partner."

Rain chuckled, "I don't know, at that time mom and dad didn't even know each other-"

"How do you know if you've ever been up the mountain?"

"When mom and dad already knew and began to get close, mom told me that she likes to ride mountains and dad also told the same thing until they remembered each other's faces after that they were close until they got married and had two children, Me and Zayyan. Hehehe is so funny."

Gamma nodded his head to understand, "So what did your mother and father get after going up the mountain?"

Raina muttered, " Hnggg... they say that climbing the mountain is not as easy as we imagine, there is a lot to be prepared before deciding to go hiking. But the mother said that when she got to the top of their struggle, the time to go up would pay off with the beauty seen from the top of the mountain-"

"Mom and dad used to go hiking to what mountain?"

"Before Mother and father knew, at that time they were hiking on Mount Merapi and after their marriage they were hiking together to Mount Lawu."

"Wahhh cool also mother with your father, his hobby hiking deserved yesterday chat with your mother really exciting."

Yes, Gamma did not lie about it so that Raina had the same recipe as him.

Raina's mother was really fun when Gamma was invited to chat yesterday, Raina's mother was still young so yesterday when Gamma chatted again chatting with friends, there was no awkwardness at all and even immediately familiar.

"Yes, but a lot of my friends told me that my mother was fierce. Is that right?"

"Ah, no. Maybe it's because the first time you see your mother is a bit cynical."

"So my mother is fierce?" Cut Raina.

"How come your mother is not fierce at all, I said a little cynical does not mean fierce."

Raina nodded her head trying to believe what Gamma said that her mother was not fierce.

"His daughter, mother and father who like hiking, must know what mountains are in Solo." Gamma glanced at Raina.

"No, honestly, I'm not interested in hiking like that but if Zayyan likes to be discussed like that."

"Zayyan has also been hiking?"

"Never before, there used to be a plan to go hiking with my friends but mother was forbidden because Zayyan was still in school so he could not go hiking later afraid of fatigue."

Gamma nodded her head, "Ohh so. Do you know what mountains are in Solo?"

"I really don't know much."

"But at least you know, right? Raina nodded, "So?" The lawsuit asks Raina to explain her question.

"How do you want to know really?"

Gamma raised one eyebrow, "Can't I if I want to know? I also want to know what's going on in Solo. Did you just say Dad and mom you like to ride mountains yaudah then I ask, what mountains are there in Solo?"

"Where Are you from?"

"Gamma of Caucasian descent, handsome, cool." Gamma said he used his tone Bilqis son Ayu Tong Tong.

Suddenly Raina laughed as well as Gamma, the guy also laughed at his own voice.

"Definitely most scroll toktok." Guess Raina interrupted her laugh.

"Ahaha not really anyway, just that I accidentally wrote to open toktok continue fyp like that all ckckck."

Raina stopped laughing and stared at Gamma's back, "Gamma ih, i'm seriously asking you instead of joking. Which one are you?"

"I'm sure you wouldn't believe me if I said I was Canadian."

"Huh?! Seriously?"

Gamma nodded his head twice and chuckled, "You must be surprised and can't believe it, I thought."

"If I don't believe you, I'm just shocked. Your face is like a stranger."


"Yes, seriously. What else is your green hair that makes you look really Caucasian."

Honestly Gamma anxious because Raina is very concerned about him.

"Are you really Canadian?"

Gamma nodded his head again, "Yes seriously eh two rius." The guy raised two fingers to form a V sign that he was not lying,"I was born in Canada and I moved to Padang at the age of 5 because my father had a job in Indonesia." Explains Gamma.

"Until high school I lived in Padang and graduated, I really wanted to study in Java, finally I got to Solo." He added.

"Oh, so this is you wandering around Solo?" ask Raina again.

"I don't know, because my whole family has moved here."

Raina could only nod her head in understanding, "Ohh so."

"What about the other question, you don't want to answer me?

"This wants to be answered. I used to be told by mother that if you want to climb a mountain, you don't have to go far first, bunda said that in Solo there are so many mountains that are the destination of climbers, one of which is Mount Besek. That's right there." Point Raina at the row of mountains seen across the street.

"Mount Besek? Raina nodded her head even though Gamma couldn't see it if she didn't look back, "I even heard that there is a Besek Mountain in Solo."

"Do you know what mountains are there?" asked Raina.

"Yes, I said it, but if it's wrong, please correct it. One, Mountain Gamping. Two, Mount Lawu. Three, Mount Semeru."

"Eh Mount Semeru is in East Java." Raina justifies the word Gamma about the location of Mount Semeru.

"Really? Sorry if I was wrong, I know that's all."

Raina smiled, "If you want to learn about Mountains and Hiking, just ask your mother will definitely be explained."

"Can I go to your house often?"