Raina's favorite call for Raden

"Raden, next time you don't talk like that to Carissa. She's in trouble right now and you're even asking him to fight-"

Raden who was equalizing his steps with Raina turned, "Everything I said was not wrong, Rain. It's all the fault of Carissa who believes Bryan, if the incident is like this Carissa is confused."

"Poor Carissa, today will definitely be a really hard day for her. Working on papers from scratch again, looking for material, and many others. I just don't know how tired Carissa. When we're done with the paper, we'll help Carissa, okay?"

Because this time the request from the first lady hehe... Raden inevitably have to want, as well as imaging in front of the girl he crushes, well even though he himself actually lazy to help people like Carissa.

"Of course Rain, we will help him when our paper is finished." said Raden.

"Then I invite Carissa first, maybe he's still around campus."

"Rain Rain!" call Raden to prevent Raina who was about to step away, "Where Are you going?"

"I want to call Carissa, we want to invite her to join right?"

Raden patted his forehead and then glanced at Raina, "Who said we want to invite Carissa to join?"

"It wasn't you said that when our paper was finished, we wanted to help Carissa." chimes Raina.

"We really intend to help him when our paper is finished but don't invite Carissa to join, Rain. It would be a complicated affair if she joined."

"Why is that?" asked Raina while frowning.

Raina is still confused by Raden's words that will help Carissa to work on her paper but the guy doesn't want Carissa to join them, so how will they help if Carissa doesn't exist?

"Rain, we've been friends with Carissa for a long time. You certainly don't forget her habits if it's badmood, Carissa will definitely say indistinctly and make me and you dizzy because we're listen to her talk. As a result, our paper is not finished even though it is in the collection tomorrow, you don't want to be like Carissa right. Carissa must be happy-"

"The paper is gone how come you say happy, where can you say if it's happy? What is there is sad not happy." cut Raina, "After all who wants the task to be lost when the collection time is only today."

"Now this, Carissa has already made the paper with Bryan even though it is missing but at least Carissa still remembers what material she used to make the paper. As for us, we are still looking for the right material even if there is otherwise we will also be confused, Rain. So it's better we don't invite him to join than we have to take care of him who is badmood."

"But it seems Carissa was angry with us, she must be disappointed because we didn't invite her to do the paper together. At this time we should have been there for Carissa but we made her even sadder."

Raden moved his two eyeballs glancing at Raina again and again, "Rain, let him be angry or disappointed we don't need to care about that now. Here we also have our own tasks and what happened to Carissa is her own fault and we don't need to feel guilty for not being next to her at this time. If Carissa is really angry, that means she is selfish."

"But I'm afraid that Carissa is really angry with us, Aden."

Raina's call to Raden is different from the others and the girl herself makes it.

While others call Raden as Ajun, Raina has her own calling, namely Aden.

Raden did not mind the call, he was happy because he thought Raina like calling him using his favorite name. BHAKKKK.

Raden Ajun Yihua Jayantaka can also be confident like that hehe.

Now Raden was blushing because he heard Raina call him using his favorite name, the guy immediately changed the look on his face.

"Why you should be afraid that Carissa is angry, let it go. This is precisely what makes us lose if we keep thinking about Carissa, which we are wasting time here."

"We better go to the city library and start making the paper, if we finish it quickly we can also directly help Carissa. About Carissa will angry we can deal with later, just calm down. Carissa won't be angry with us for long time so don't you have to worry about that, okay?"

Because everything that Raden talked about was right, Raina could only nod in agreement.

If she's still here thinking about how Carissa is really angry, they're wasting their time.

The last hour of the lesson should be properly utilized.

They decided not to invite Carissa to work on the paper together, walking together down the Campus Corridor to the parking lot where Raden put his motorcycle.

The parking distance from Raina's class is quite far anyway so they have to walk first through several classes.

"By the way, Haidar when to go home, Rain. It's been a long time coming home."

Hearing that Raina chuckled, "Sorry... But Haidar just left yesterday, he also said in Bandung only three days but do not know the real three days or not." the girl glanced at Raden while laughing, "You don't usually ask Haidar when to go home, when you meet Haidar often fight." Raden smile while wiping the nape of his neck,"Or you miss Haidar-"

"Don't mess up, Rain." cut Raden, "I don't miss humans like Haidar, I'm just happy because he's allowed for the next few days so no one will be ignorant of me on campus."

"Ahahaha.. He also once told me that Haidar was happy every time he saw you upset or angry because he was being bullied by him, and Haidar said that means he managed to make you upset. I didn't even think about him."

Raden is not less like to hear Raina tell other guys including Haidar, it's a guy who likes to hear Raina tell stories. The boy's eyes were not separated from Raina.

Raina is like a magnet that makes Raden always interested in everything inside Raina.

"Hey, Raden. You heard me, right?"

Raina's voice dispersed Raden's daydream who was admiring the beautiful figure in front of him, "Huh? Oh yes I hear really, Rain. Haidar is always happy when you see people upset because of his actions. But the nature of Haidar who likes to be ignorant is indeed from birth or when he grows up?"

"Why do you ask me, you think I know. Hmmmm..."

"You are Haidar best friend since childhood, Rain. You will know everything about Haidar including his nosy nature. But despite his nosy nature, sometimes when he goes it feels really quiet and not exciting. The campus feels really quiet if Haidar doesn't come."