Whore like you doesn't deserve my bed!

"who the fuck dare to free the vampire"Lorenzo's voice boomed in the dungeon everyone shivered

"what the hell you were doing when Aria was in danger," Lorenzo asked in anger to Aiden who hung her head low and he was angry at himself that he was enjoying with Emily when his sister was suffering.

Lorenzo couldn't control his anger and grabbed Aiden by collar

"I have given you one fucking task but you failed in it, if anything would have happened with aria then I will kill you," Lorenzo said to him in anger

The atmosphere has become tensed and Aria was scared for her brother because she had seen the new face of Lorenzo today and that scared her to the core.

Aria run towards her brother and put her hand on the hand of Lorenzo

"please leave him, it's my mistake.I thought he was the normal man and I asked for his help to escape, I didn't know that he was a vampire" Aria said and tears stained her face