Giving pain to my mate!

"This is not fair Lorenzo, I really wanted to go there," Aria said with confidence and she was looking desperately

"don't waste your time aria because I am not going to allow you to train with other male wolves and now you can go," Lorenzo said in a final tone and Aria looked at him in anger

Aria closed her eyes and controlled her anger because Lorenzo was the only one who was in charge here

"please Lorenzo, I will not talk to any man" Aria begged in front of him and Lorenzo took a deep sigh

"you can't evne take care of yourself, sending you alone will be the biggest problem," Lorenzo said and Aria huffed in annoyance

"what the hell is wrong with you, you don't want me as your mate but you want to have possession over my life. Why do you complicate things so much" Aria said in anger and Lorenzo looked at her with an arched eyebrow