I am not your slut Lorenzo!

Aria didn't come out of her room for the whole day because she didn't want to face Lorenzo after what happened last night.

Aria was sitting in her room and reading some books when she saw outside the window that a woman was sitting on the ground. In curiosity, Aria got out of bed and walked outside the mansion

She reached the garden and walked towards the woman, as she reached closed she noticed that Samantha was sobbing

"what happened," Aria said and put a hand on her shoulder, Samantha looked at her with a tearful gaze but wiped her tears seeing her

"Samantha is everything all right," Aria asked because she had a weakness that she couldn't see anyone crying.

Aria sat in front of Samantha and she noticed that Samantha had been crying for a while because her nose and eyes turned red.

"Why are you crying," Aria asked her and Samantha averted her eyes because she didn't want to share her pain with anyone