You satisfied me, i will come again

"How can you say this Aiden" Aria said with tears in her eyes and Aiden looked at her with an angry expression.

Aria did everything for Aiden and now he was the one to accuse him

"because you have converted yourself to be the whore of Lorenzo, I wanted to make you the luna of this pack but I didn't know that you have different motives" Aiden shouted at her and tears slipped from the eyes of Aria

"he will never make me his luna because he hates me and loves Samantha," Aria said and Aiden shook his head

"We had a deal that if I go out of this pack house then Lorenzo will make you his luna but you have spoiled everything," Aiden said in anger and aria chuckled painfully.

Hearing this Aria got a little taken back and she understood that it was all the plan of Lorenz to catch her

"get out of your dreamland, Lorenzo is no friend to you. He used you to get me" Aria said in anger and Aiden shook his head