Can i hug you?

"what man you are talking about Aiden" Aria asked him with a serious face and Aiden smirked at her

"Stefano is the biggest enemy of Lorenzo and we can use him for our benefits," Aiden said and he had a plan ready with him.

Aria looked at him in a confused manner and then it struck her that she met Stefano at the party. He still remembered that Stefano was a charming man and indeed she wanted to meet him again

"But how will we make Stefano agree to our plan" Aria asked him and Aiden smirked at her

"I need not do anything because you are the one who needs to do everything," Aiden said with a smile on his lips and Aria again got confused

"Stefano and I only met once and we are not even friends," Aria said and Aiden chuckled

"my sweet little innocent sister, Stefano is interested in you and tomorrow he is going to come to pack house to discuss something with Lorenzo," Aiden said and Aria smiled at him

"I am ready," Aria said because she had her own plan.