Kill your mate and your babies

"stop this fucking attitude of yours because I am not yours" Aria shouted at him but Lorenzo wasn't affected.

"I protected you Aria," Lorenzo said and got up from the bed, Aria turned her face because she didn't want to look at him.

Lorenzo looked at her last time before leaving, he was hiding a deep secret in his heart that he was not ready to share with anyone but one thing was sure he cared about Aria

Lorenzo didn't go to her room but instead, he went out to run in the woods, he transformed into his wolf form and run into the jungle in full motion.

He stopped outside his magical castle but it was his inability that he couldn't enter inside but he was determined that one day he would claim what rightfully belonged to him.

Lorenzo changed into human form and wore his pants, his body was shining in the moonlight and his heart was crying to remember that Aria cried because of him.