Aria twins needs to die!

After that day Lorenzo didn't know what happened but he knew only one thing that he was in love with her and he couldn't even think about losing her. Lorenzo didn't even remember that Samantha was a hybrid and no one knew the true face of Samantha

Everyone thought that Samantha was a lovely girl but the reality was far away from it. Samantha was up to something big but what she wanted was a mystery

Since Aria came into his life, Lorenzo was confused about what to do. He wanted to accept Aria as his mate but Something in his mind was stopping her.

Samantha had given her the ultimatum to mate with her tomorrow but Lorenzo was confused because he couldn't let Aria go away from his life

Lorenzo spend the whole day thinking about Aria and he had no idea where his life was leading him but one thing he was sure about was that Aria was an important part of his life