Who is Tatya?

"how do you know him," Aria said with a shocked expression and Mason was looking at Lorenzo continuously

"he needs help immediately," Mason said and he looked at his mother

"Mom, please bring me some purple organza flowers," Mason said to her mother and he was about to advance his steps in the direction of Lorenzo but his mom held his hand

"what are you doing mason, we can't help wolves. This is against our nature" Celina said and Mason shook his head

"he is not any wolf, he is alpha and we are obliged to help him," Mason said in a determined tone and Celina looked at him with fear in her eyes

"Tatya will not leave us if we hide wolves under our shadow" Celina said in a feared tone but Mason ignored her

Mason was the man of his words, he wouldn't leave anyone in trouble but her mother Celina was a self-centred woman.

Celina left to take the purple organza flower and Mason bent in front of Lorenzo, he checked her