I love you alpha Lorenzo

Lorenzo entered inside and looked that his two cute babies are snuggling closer to Aria. Tears welled up in his eyes and that day was the best moment of his life.

"Aria" Lorenzo said with tearful eyes and Aria turned her head and looked at Lorenzo

She was looking weak but there was happiness in her eyes

"our babies," Aria said with a smile and Lorenzo advanced his steps towards her, he sat beside her and take one of the babies in his arm

"my angel, I will protect you with my life," Lorenzo said to his baby girl who was sleeping

Lorenzo got emotional and kissed on her forehead then he picked up his other baby and do the same with him

Lorenzo then looked at Aria with a smile

"Thank you for giving me the best gift of my life," Lorenzo said to Aria and kissed her hand

"I am not feeling good, it seems like something bad is about to happen," Aria said in a concerned manner and Lorenzo shook his head

"do you trust me," Lorenzo asked and they both looked into each other eyes