Ready to fight the battle!

Aria was waiting and her condition was getting worse than before. She only wanted to see her kids and wait to hold them

Her eyes fall on Lorenzo who was coming in her direction with Kiara and Mason but she noticed that they all were looking tensed

Aria got up from the stone and her abdominal pained, she walked in their direction with slow steps and stood in front of them

"I can't see my twins, where are they," Aria asked Lorenzo with tears in her eyes

"Our twins are safe," Lorenzo said cupping her cheek but Aria jerked it back

"but I want to see them right now," Aria said with stubborn behaviour and Lorenzo had nothing to say in such a situation.

"They are with Tatya," Kiara said in a serious tone and Aria looked at her with wide eyes and then she looked at Lorenzo

"what the hell she is saying, you told me that you'll protect them but you failed, you put the life of my twins in danger," Aria said with teary eyes and grabbed collar of Lorenzo.