I never trusted you

Juliet and James were astonished to hear Xavier, Juliet shook her head and couldn't believe that she was in love with a man like Xavier.

"are you black mailing me" Juliet asked with hurt expression and in response Xavier only smirked

Xavier didn't have any other option so he used the hard way. He was aware that this act of his can back fire but Juliet was worth the risk.

"Yes I am black mailing you my sweet little wife" Xavier said with a smile and this broke Juliet heart more.

"I will pay all the debt of Juliet and now you get out of her life" James said coming forward and he looked at Xavier angry.

Xavier looked at James without any expression on his face

"I am fine with it but you have only two days" Xavier said in strict voice and he advanced his steps towards James.

"and you listen to me very carefully, do not touch my wife otherwise trust me you haven't seen your worst nightmare" Xavier warned James and both the men looked at each other.