My soul


I just keep my mouth shut because this is best suited in this situation

"Tell me big sister" h asked me again, he is very persistent in knowing what is going on in my life

"I make your favorite smoothie, why don't you try I and tell me how is taste" I told him to distract his mind

"You make smoothie for me, thank you so much" he said to me and started eating his smoothie, I take a deep breath

"Hey guys, good morning" Alison came and kissed on his brother cheek and sit beside him

"I am very lucky that today's breakfast is prepared by my best friend Hailey" she said looking at me

"Thank you" I said and we three started eating together and laughing at aron jokes about his school but in all this I missed the moment when mason and I ate together

After finishing the food we hail a cab and first drop aron to school then we go towards our shooting site. I keep on checking my phone to see if mason called me.