

"What are you talking about, I am not getting it" I said keeping my head low

"Do you really take me as a stupid" she said and wipe her mouth with tissue

"Nothing is going on, he is the producer who gave me role in movie that's all" I said and gulp the last bite of food

"I am your best friend and by looking at your face I know something is not good with you and I have a feeling that it is related with mason" she said and her eyes are accusing me of something

"I think I need to leave, my husband is waiting for me "I said and get up from chair

"What husband you are talking about who hardly gets home; now tell me what's the matter. I see something in mason's eyes for you" she said and I internally laugh, she must have seen the hate in his eyes for me

"Stop it Alison" I said and turn around to leave but her words filled with hatred stopped me