Pushed back


His bodyguards came on time and they rescue us and mason pick me in his arms and lead me to his car, I felt loved by his action then he make me sit on the car and start the car and drive towards our home. In between our drive to home, he told me lot of things that journalist print lot of unrealistic things about him which is not true but one thing which caught my eyes is that when he said about the women who I saw on TV with him.

I am glad to know that I asked him about them and he told me its only work related purpose and these people create hype about him and create false rumors. He also told me that he never had a girlfriend which I am very glad to know but why then my friend said to me that he has a girlfriend.

He clarified that all this are rumors that means I am hurting myself for no reason for so long. I failed to go further in life due to the fact that he already has a girlfriend but I am having a hard time believing that he didn't have girlfriend.