The evening before the sacrifice nwayi-atuegwu the priestess arrived to test Adanna's innocence, her cries in the compound of Okorie send shivers to the spine, the junior was against her visit because he believed in the white man's belief, he is a Christian. His father did not endorse junior's new ways nor did he condemn them each time junior prayed and looked up to heaven his father would tell him you see it's the same chi we all pray to and junior would interject "No papa. yours is idol worship."

Mr. Okorie pleaded with his son "Let nwanyi-atuegwu do the necessary, we are killing two birds with one stone, we are proving Adanna's innocent and at the same time helping Ziki to rule the final verdict."Nwayi-atuegwu was finally done with Adanna, she came out and announced that Adanna is still a virgin. Mrs. Okeke danced around in joy that her daughter was innocent. At night, Oke-dibia along with Uwago, the king, and priestess went to the river Ngene for the ultimate sacrifice. This time junior and Adanna took turns watching Ziki's room he was still unconscious. After the sacrifice in the river, the great dibia came back and slaughtered the white fowl at Ziki's doorstep, he went inside and burnt herbs and made some incantations, he came out to announce that no one should go inside ziki's room, that the spirit of death is close by and it's hovering around, that it would be a fatal mistake if anyone is found around the vicinity at night as he was the only one who can stay and dialogue with the gods. The next morning, his condition worsened, and he burned with fever. Oke dibia still commenced treatment and later told the people around "I am afraid he won't make it" the dibia announced shaking his head. Everybody who heard it began to cry except Uwago who kept a long gaze in the sky. After three market days passed by, Oke dibia had given up and was discussing the burial arrangement of Ziki with the council of elders in case he died tonight. Adanna's scream was heard as everyone rushed to the scene to find Ziki outside his hut embracing Adanna, he had no strength, she held on to him tightly. Everybody began to rejoice except Kamdili who looked like his days of happiness is numbered he couldn't believe it. He had taunted Adanna day and night before now, telling her how ZIki was now with his ancestors. Kosy didn't look impressed, she wished Ziki was dead, she couldn't bear the sight of Ziki coming back from the dead to hold fast to Adanna. Once again the town crier Ekwulekwu sounded the gong and summoned for the meeting at dawn, before then the King and Uwago. The dibia wrapped something on a red cloth, burnt a male goat, and carried it, they are to embark on a long confidential trip and nobody was briefed about what was enclosed in the red cloth, it looked enormous but nobody saw what was inside, but it spelled doom somehow. The women looked on as the king and his subjects left, and they began to gossip, "Only God knows what these men are up to, whatever it is, I'm sure it's bad news."That night the seven families gathered and they awaited the king and his subjects to arrive. Some guards heavily guarded the room, junior and Adanna decided not to attend the meeting for the safety of their friend is put first into consideration. Both the king's sons Obieze and Kamdili sat beside the throne waiting for their father to arrive with Dibia and the Prime Minister, Adanna's father.

At last, they arrived, people sent ripples of murmuring in the silence of the night then made way and stood still, holding their breath as the King sauntered to his throne.

Mr. Okorie the prime minister sat by him, ichie Ikem sat with his daughters in the front row.

Mr. Ekwueme obiora the chief security was present, Uwago Menkiti was also present with his wife and kid, the whole guards were heavily armed on standby, Eze Dibia and the priestess were also present.

The meeting began with the breaking of kola nuts and serving of refreshments. Okito the jester cracked a few jokes about people who only came to meet because it's a huge opportunity to eat a good meal and people began to laugh, while everyone had their fill, the king stood up and began to speak, "Umuenyi I greet you all."IGWE!" The people responded to him in unison. "I bring you all good news, the day for the maiden dance and the New Year festival is finally fixed for next tomorrow." The people cheered. "Secondly, I want the youths of this village to listen attentively.

I need the young men and women in this village to think of their future, war looms at the borders, the people of Aguiyi sent their warnings to deal with any Umuenyi found at the river of Ndu, so I suggest you grow up and protect the land of your forefathers. When I was a youth, I defended this very village in my sweat and blood, once again trouble arises and after the maiden dance and initiation into manhood night, I want the men and youth to come forth the night after to pledge their allegiance to defend this village.

"With these words, the men roared in intimidating battle cry and flexed their muscles."Now to the main issue on the ground, my children, wisdom is given to us all by the gods, blessings are given as a reward and punishment to the unjust, am sure you all heard what went on between my sons and Uwago's son Ziki. It is a serious matter that the youths of this village have cast all moralities and decided to degrade themselves, anybody caught will be punished, however, I apologize to uwago and every member of this village for my son's behavior. As a result of this, it is to my regret that I announce that the throne of Umuenyi would stripe from my household.

However, I have made a pact with the gods that whoever finds the tusk of Umuenyi would be crowned King and this is my verdict; my sons will no longer be king maybe their sons will but they will have to earn the right to Umuenyi's throne, it is no longer by birthright it is by merit I greet you all and good night. Kamdili could taste his bile surging from his stomach to the tip of his tongue, he spat on the floor. Obieze began shedding tears "father has disowned us" he murmured."Don't be a fool, you talk like a woman" Kamdili said and hissed as he shoved his brother aside and began to walk away from the crowd. The villagers began to disperse and retire to their homes. Indeed, Umuenyi has never heard or seen kingship thrown open for anyone, and from that day onwards, the youths began to see life from a different perspective. Change has come, it's a new dawn in umuenyi; anybody can be King and it is earned by good deeds, hard work, and bravery.

The king left without any of his sons accompanying him and the villagers began to rejoice at the news that any of their sons stood a chance to be King. From that day onwards mothers took the issue far too personally by addressing their newborn babies as if they are potential kings. One could hear mama Koko addressing Koko, her seven-year-old imbecile son whose drooling was beyond control "my king don't worry when you sit on the throne every maiden will desire you", which makes people around her roar into laughter except the father of the child who cursed under his breath and begs the gods to take back their gift; he thinks the child is one big cruel joke offered to him by the gods.

Like a miracle Ziki finally recovered and was always accompanied by Adanna to inspect the traps, like people would say, it's good that the King's son Kamdili almost got Ziki killed, now he has gotten the young man a wife, and not only that, the throne would be vacant once king Maduka dies. Ofunneka and Kosy visited Ziki and found Adanna feeding him, much to their annoyance. "Can't he feed himself? Or did kamdili break his fingers as well?" Ofunneka fumed. Kosy stood up and took her to leave, while Ofunneka pressed on "Kosy is annoyed with you, can't you just call her back?" Ziki paid deaf ears so she stood up and left.

Obieze finally realized his mistake and tried to persuade Adanna to see him, to which she accepted, she sought Ziki's permission to do so. They met at the ukwu Udala tree at the stream, they usually hug when they run into each other but this time there wasn't any faint hint of intimacy anymore. He began to plead for mercy "Nne please forgive me, I was confused and scared, I didn't know what to do, I was in a middle of a dilemma and you know who Kam is, he would torture me."Adanna replied "Obi I understand and I forgive you but the problem is I can't continue anymore, my happiness is elsewhere, I tried to prove my innocence, you refused and you can't defend me against the taunts of your brother. If we eventually end up together, I won't be a happy person, so I urge you to also forgive me for walking out of your life, it's getting late and Ziki must be waiting for me. Goodbye." she left and Obieze started shedding tears as if beckoned by the devil Kamdili suddenly appeared behind "Obieze stop crying fool! People are watching you, she is not worth the tears, save it for initiation into manhood, you are not a man at all."