Chapter 9: Have you met Diddy Franklin?

Chapter 9: Have you met Diddy Franklin?

The walk from the packhouse to school wasn't as bad as Defiance thought it would be.

Still she saw people arriving in the moving box, she now has to call cars, some flashier than others.

Defiance held her brother's hand mostly because she was terrified of the new environment and the deadly stare people were giving her.

"Everyone is looking at me" Defiance murmured.

"You insulted the Alpha's son. The king of this high school, what were you expecting? Just keep your head down and everything will blow over, Diddy" Ethan told her and she nodded.

"Where is Mindy?" Ethan looked around the school compound.

"Who is Mindy?"

"She is your best friend. Don't worry, I texted her that you don't remember anything about anybody. Just play the brain damage card when people start asking too many questions. Stay here. I will look for Mindy" Ethan left her there and went in search of Mindy Evans.

Defiance looked around her environment. Everything was strange and she had no idea what most of the things she was looking at were called or even how to behave.

Then she saw a young girl by the corner near a giant white car and she was being pushed around by three girls.

"Stop that! I said stop that, you are hurting her!" She raced towards the car park in time to steady the girl that was just shoved but not the contents of her bag.

The apple and the banana fell carelessly from Defiance's bag and she blinked.

"Maddie's mother must have placed that inside this bag" She murmured to herself as she stared at the fruit without paying attention to the three mean girls.

"Maddie, you shouldn't have" The girl she just shoved told her in-between her clenched jaw.

"I go by Diddy now, do you know me?"

"It's me. It's Mindy. Now, go away before you get into trouble with Connie"

Defiance had no idea while the girl who was supposed to play her best friend was telling her to go away.

She was about to say something when she saw Connie raise her leg to attack her poor banana and Defiance didn't think twice about halting her leg mid-air causing her fall on to her car. She heard Mindy gasp and some murmur from all directions as she picked up her banana and Apple and returned them into her bag.

When she turned around again, the hot liquid Connie's friend was holding was already in Connie's hand.

"I didn't mean to…" Defiance was about to apologize when Connie emptied the hot chocolate on her.

Again, Mindy gasped.

Defiance felt the liquid burn her skin but she didn't flinch. She has fought both vampires, werewolves and witches, a mere hot liquid wasn't going to kill her but the girl had to be punished. It was a matter of honor.

"I was going to apologize but now, I will just settle for knocking a couple teeth out of your evil mouth, Connie. Pick a way, the honorable way of the ancient were we fight in a controlled…" Defiance hardly finished what she was saying when she saw Connie's palm headed for her face but before she could do anything about it, someone else stopped her.

"Connie, stop it"

Defiance recognized the voice. It was Conrad. The boy had ears but he wasn't using them to understand Defiance when she revoked his privilege to talk to her.

"Conrad, take your hands off…you are going to leave a bruise!" Connie snapped and growled at him.

Conrad left her go and turned to face Defiance.

"Did you pour a cup of hot chocolate drink on a girl still recovering from an injury?" Conrad asked her.

"It was an accident, right girls?" Connie smiled as her friend agreed with her. She turned to Mindy. "Right, Mindy?"

Defiance knew that Mindy would never resort to lies but was gravely disappointed when she nodded.

"I thought we were friends" she looked at her and she turned around and walked away.

Conrad followed her.

"Diddy, I have a clean shirt in the car you can change into? My sister can be…usual"

Diddy wiped off the chocolate on her face.

"I see the resemblance now. You are both annoying horse butt. I need to find my brother and you are not permitted to talk to me until you can muster some apology for your less than gentlemanly behavior when I told you I was wet"

"I am just trying to help you. You are not even worth my time" Conrad was furious now.

Defiance watched as he turned around and walked away.

Ethan came back few seconds later and found her dripping of chocolate.

"What happened?"

"I met Connie and Mindy. And I can tell you she's not my friend. She sided with Connie instead of with me"

"Not really. I am sorry Maddie. I just didn't want to get in trouble with the jezebels"

Defiance followed the sound of the voice and found Mindy standing there.

"Coward!" Defiance couldn't believe it.

"They are Alpha bloods and we are Omegas. What was I supposed to do?" Mindy asked her.

"Maybe take my side" Defiance told her.

Mindy wanted to say something but the bell rang.

"We have to get to class. We have history" Mindy told her instead.

"Do I have the time to change?" She asked Ethan.

"No. Sorry, I don't want to get in trouble with the teachers and neither do you" Ethan took off towards the opposite direction and Mindy pointed to a building and murmured inaudibly before taking off towards that direction.

Defiance walk behind her until she almost collided with Conrad again.

"Just take the jacket and lay low until Connie forgets about you" Conrad told her

He walked ahead of her without giving her the chance to decline his jacket.

Conrad sat beside Julian in the history class. Mr. Heckler, an Alpha blood was their teacher and had the highest record for punishing students at the slightest provocation. He wasn't thrilled that Alpha Zero decided to dissolve rank segregation and he was stuck teaching a bunch of Omegas too, mere servants with no academic future.

Conrad watched his wristwatch, it was a few minutes before the doors are shut and Madeline Franklin was yet to enter the classroom. He saw Mindy walk inside and then he saw her.

She stepped in front of the class still in her dripping shirt which was somehow now revealing her chest and all of its contents. And there was also the fact that she was wearing a red bra, which made it more obvious.

The girls laughed while the boys stared. Conrad wanted to feel nonchalant but he was simply too furious to.

"Ms Franklin, you are dripping" Heckler stated the obvious.

"I must apologize for my appearance, sir but I had an unfortunate encounter with a bush rat" Defiance explained with a straight face. The whole class who saw the encounter with Connie suppressed their snickers while Connie clenched her fist and howl at Defiance.

The only thing Heckler hated more than teaching omegas were bullies.

"Quiet, Connie! Are you telling me that this…bush rat poured the liquid on you, Ms. Franklin?" Heckler asked.

"Yes, quiet Connie…(the class gasped) as I was saying, it was a bush rat"

Heckler nodded. Maybe this omega wasn't so bad

"Are you going to wear the jacket? You are distracting the rest of the class" Heckler asked.

"No. It's not mine. I found it in the dustpan"

"Isn't that Conrad's jacket?" A girl in the front row asked Defiance.

"I wouldn't know. He said I am not worthy of his time" Defiance walked over to Conrad and placed the Jacket on the table.

As she was about to go to an empty seat, a young red haired boy with glasses spoke to her.

"Do you want my jacket?" He asked her.

"Yes. Thank you. What's your name?" Defiance asked him.

"Everyone calls me mousey"

"That sounds like an insult"

"It is. My name is Mitchell" The boy answered.

"Hello, Mitchell. I am Diddy Franklin"

Everyone stared as she went back to her chair. She was nothing if not her mother's daughter, Queen-Empress Janessa was not to be walked all over on too.